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The season of spring cleaning is upon us again, and we couldn’t be more excited! It’s always good luck to declutter our homes and get rid of anything negative or outdated to make room for new stuff and memories, and the same goes for your beauty products!

Beauty Produt Spring Cleaning 2021 1

Take a good look at your makeup collection, we both know that there are products in there that you really need to toss! But if you’re new at all of this and you don’t know where to start, that’s where we come in.

We talked about spring cleaning before (which you can read here), but this time, we are going to focus on decluttering your beauty products. If you want to know more, please read on!

Tip #1: Throw all expired beauty products

Beauty Produt Spring Cleaning 2021 2

Using expired beauty products is the number one sin in skincare. Old cosmetics present a lot of health risks, and you don’t want to develop any skin complications just for using makeup!
Always take note of your beauty products’ expiration date so you know which ones are still safe to use and which ones should go to the bin. Expiration dates can be found on the label, looking like an open jar with a number in the middle. This pertains to how long the formula is good for once you’ve opened it.

Tip #2: Throw all beauty products that aren’t stored correctly

Beauty Product Spring Cleaning 2021 3

Certain products need proper storing conditions to retain their effectiveness and temperature. Supplements, for example, should always be stored in a refrigerator. Some beauty essentials need this extra treatment as well.
For example, your Vitamin C and retinol will not last in humid temperatures. Store them in your fridge to get the most out of their potency! Oils and chemicals, on the other hand, should never be stored under direct sunlight. If you do, the chemicals inside these products will cause the ingredients to break down, causing them to lose their effectiveness

Tip #3: Throw all beauty products that irritate your skin

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Don’t hold on to that fancy moisturiser that only makes your skin burn and tingle! You might think that your skin just need a little time to get used to the product, but burning is something your skin should NEVER tolerate.
We know that some of these items are expensive, but if it’s still stored in your vanity, then you might be tempted to use them every once in a while. Toss these items when spring cleaning and give your skin a break!

Tip #4: Throw all non-essential beauty items

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Make a list of all the products in your collection that you can’t live without. Doing that step will help you figure out the products that are just wasting away in your vanity. For example, you have combo skin and you only use matte products.
Throw away your facial oils, dewy foundations, and dewy setting spray– chances are you won’t use them as much as you use your essential products! They’re a waste of space, and they only clutter your environment.
It’s also helpful to make a pile out of the beauty products you haven’t opened yet, the stuff you never use, and the things you bought on impulse. That will give you a sense of what products to toss away when doing your spring cleaning!

Tip #5: Throw your dusty makeup box and invest in the right makeup storage

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Organising makeup can be a tedious chore, and we know some of you just dump everything in one big box. In this year’s spring cleaning, try investing in high-quality makeup storages that will not only add dimension to your whole room. It will also allow you to see every makeup item so you can switch things up more often!