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Here’s a new trend that has been all over Chinese social media, and you’re not going to want to miss it as it’ll give you the easiest, rosiest glow ever.

Take a look at some of the results these RED netizens have achieved. Don’t they look super cute and sweet?

Sweet Girl Blush Trend examples

It’s called the sweet girl blush method, and all you really need for it are two makeup products. You’ll be able to get a full makeup look that’ll really cut your routine in half.

You probably already have all these products in your vanity already, especially the most important item for this method: a lip tint.

Interested in replicating this trending, rosy glow? We’ve compiled a step-by-step guide that’ll take 15 minutes tops!

How to do the sweet girl blush method

The very first step is to prepare the beauty products needed for the sweet girl blush method: foundation and a rose-coloured lip tint.

Sweet Girl Blush Trend step 1 foundation

Begin by applying your makeup as usual. Start with your foundation to provide a base for the rest of your makeup and even out your skin tone.

This step isn’t skippable as the goal is to create a blank canvas for the next makeup steps and to add radiance to your skin.

Once you’re done applying your foundation, an optional step is to fill in your eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil. Go ahead and skip this if you want.

Sweet Girl Blush Trend step 2 lip tint

Next, you’re going to want to take your lip tint and draw tiny Vs or little hearts at the following locations:

  • At the top corner of your eyes
  • Right above your cheekbones
  • Below your nose, between your nostrils
  • On the very centre of your chin

Then, gradually blend out these little Vs until your face is awash in subtle colour. You’ll look as if like you’ve just fallen in love for the very first time.

Sweet Girl Blush Trend step 3 result

Finish up your makeup look by swiping some lip tint onto your lips. The end result is a sweet, youthful glow that’ll make you look gorgeously radiant.

Didn’t we say it was super easy? We’re going to start doing this quick trend on the days when we’re feeling a little lazy and want to cut down on our usual makeup routines while still looking put together.

Featured image credit: RED & RED