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GeneLife is Japan’s leading DNA testing brand with more than 800,000 customers who have chosen them to analyse their genes, so they can learn more about themselves and make the right lifestyle choices to better manage their health and wellness.

Find out what your DNA reveals about your metabolism, genetic diet type, and learn invaluable tips to improve your nutrition and diet, all personalized to your unique genetic makeup.

What can you discover from your DNA?

  • Genetic diet type
    • Sugar and fat metabolism
    • Ability to create muscle
    • Ability to lose weight easily
    • Type of food to eat or cut out

Want to know what else is covered? Click here to go to the GeneLife’s Full Product Specification Page 


To receive 15% off regular-priced products, enter DVANITYM in the “Discount Code” field after you click on the Check Out button

Original price SGD 89, after discount it will be SGD 75.65. You save SGD 13.35!


>> Click here to go to the official website to purchase

Scroll down a little, select the language you prefer and click on Add To Cart. Confirm the order before you proceed to click on “Check Out”. Now you can apply the promo code DVANITYM in the discount code field available.