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Hands up if you grew up with Polly Pocket! We remember these pretty pocket-size cases that contain mini dolls, because they were a big part of our childhood.

The official Polly Pocket dolls have been discontinued in 2015, and we probably are afraid of being judged if we still carried around these compact toys now, anyway.

But here’s something that can feed our nostalgia: Polly Pocket-inspired eyeshadow palettes that Lime Crime will be releasing!

Called the Pocket Candy Palettes, these products will each come in five shades and a mirror. There are three variants to choose from.

Sugar Plum is in a hot pink compact and the shades are (clockwise, from top left): Sugar & Spice (matte pink-bronze), Fairy Floss (lavender with turquoise shimmer), Nutcracker (matte chestnut brown), Candied Plum (purple with pink shimmer), and Icing (frosted white).

Bubblegum is a baby blue compact and the shades are (clockwise, from top left): Pop (peach with champagne shimmer), Snap (cotton candy pink), Chew (light almond brown), Blow (satin violet), and Bubble (sky blue shimmer).

Pink Lemonade is a yellow compact and the shades are (clockwise, from top left): Sugar Me (brown satin), Pink Jelly (matte rose), Baby Cake (chocolate-brown matte), Strawberry (sparkly deep magenta), and Lemonade (yellow-gold shimmer).

If you ask us, we think that Pink Lemonade is probably the easiest to wear, and we’d snatch them up as soon as we can, if we were you.

The palettes will be sold on the Lime Crime website, although there’s no official announcement on when they will be released exactly. Each palette will be sold at USD34 each or at USD102 for all three.