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With plastic surgery procedures getting to be more and more commonplace these days (we’re looking at you, Korea!), one of the most popular procedures is, undoubtedly, rhinoplasty.

It’s no secret that many of us may have complicated relationships with our noses, but should we resort to a more permanent solution?

If the thought has crossed your mind more than once or twice, trust us, you’re not alone.

Before you embark on anything, though, here is everything you need to know before undergoing rhinoplasty in Singapore: from recovery time, to risks, to where to go to get it done so you can make an informed decision.

What Is Rhinoplasty?

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Also known as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a procedure that helps change your nose’s shape and or improve its function.

People undergo it for a variety of reasons: some of them medical, and some of them for aesthetics. The end result — when performed well — is often a subtly enhanced and altered nose that still appears natural.

Is There More Than a Single Type of Rhinoplasty?

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There are two main variations when it comes to rhinoplasty: open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty.

Both approaches involve making incisions within the internal nostril region, though the key difference between both procedures is the possibility of scarring.

As open rhinoplasty involves adding an extra incision under the nose near the nostrils, it could leave permanent scars.

It, however, also gives surgeons a better view and access to the inside of the nose, which means that they are able to do massive changes to the nose.

Closed rhinoplasty, on the other hand, focuses incisions on the inside of the nose. This means that there is no chance of scarring, but also tends to mean that changes will be more minimal as compared to open rhinoplasty.

Ultimately, it depends on which procedure your surgeon believes is a better fit for you.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

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There is no specific age or age limit when it comes to rhinoplasty in Singapore, though it is recommended that most patients be over the age of 15 to undergo this procedure.

Suitable candidates also include people who have:

  • Dorsal humps, or a bump at the bridge of the nose.
  • Too wide or narrow nasal widths
  • Asymmetrical noses
  • A prominent nasal tip that is round, bulbous, fatty or disproportionate to the rest of the face
  • A drooping nasal tip
  • Nasal airway problems
  • Post-traumatic deformities

What Are the Risks Involved With Rhinoplasty?

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Though rhinoplasty in Singapore is generally regarded to be a pretty safe procedure, there are some risks associated with the procedure. They include:

  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing or scarring
  • A change in skin sensation (numbness or pain)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Skin discolouration and swelling
  • Unsatisfactory appearance
  • Possibility of repeat procedures

How Should You Prepare When It Comes to Undergoing Rhinoplasty in Singapore?

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Preparation procedures can differ based on which aesthetic surgery clinic you opt for, though these are some general tips that you can look out for when it comes to prepping for your surgery:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and smoking one month prior to the surgery.
  • Avoid taking aspirin or any products containing aspirin at least two weeks before the surgery.
  • Prepare some ice cold compresses several days before the surgery in preparation for any swelling or bruising.
  • Get light foods such as juices, tea, soup, toast and crackers in preparation for your recovery after the procedure.

How Long Does Rhinoplasty in Singapore Take?

It really depends on whether the changes you are requesting are extensive or not.

Normally, minor changes only take up 1 to 1.5 hours, while major changes can take up to 3 to 4 hours to complete.

What Is the Recovery Time Needed After Undergoing Rhinoplasty in Singapore?

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According to experts, it is largely dependent on the type and extent of rhinoplasty done, but for most people, the downtime required is one to two weeks.

Some people even recover within five to six days, though it is a bit more of a rare exception rather than the norm.

However, while initial recovery may be pretty quick, healing can continue on for the next one to three years.

This is because the skin takes time to shrink to the new underlying framework (unlike a tummy tuck, or a face lift, for instance), which can take up to one year for the nose bridge and three years for the nose tip.

Are There Any Other Alternatives to Rhinoplasty?

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If you’re thinking of opting for non-surgical options instead, you’ll be pleased to know that there are actually other alternatives available! The most popular ones by far are nose fillers and nose thread lifts.

Nose fillers work by injecting Hyaluronic acid fillers along your nose, which helps to sculpt and add volume to your nose all while giving it height and projection.

There aren’t much risks associated with the procedure, though some people do experience mild swelling and redness. Apparently, you can see effects for up to 12 months after undergoing the procedure!

As for nose thread lifts, they work through the insertion of fine threads along your nasal bridge to give your nose height and projection.

There is minimal downtime required, and the whole procedure can actually be wrapped up within 45 minutes. Results can last up to two years for some.

11 Rhinoplasty Clinics to Consider in Singapore

Have your heart set on getting rhinoplasty? Well, there are several reputable and reliable clinics you can approach when it comes to undergoing rhinoplasty in Singapore.