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They say you are what you eat. In this case, this sentiment rings true. It’s not enough to just depend on your skincare regime; your diet is a huge factor to how your skin looks. The following list is chock-full of food from the food pyramid – peruse it and start to make a change!

1. Natural yogurt


On May 2011, Hong Kong-based YouTuber Linda Tsang (aka Bubzbeauty) bares it all. Distressed by her painful breakouts (what were you guys thinking?), she decided to ditch the medicated creams and swapped to a DIY yogurt oatmeal mask, instead. It worked. Not only did it heal her pimples, but it also freshen up her dull skin. Home remedies, for the win.

If you’re not keen on the idea of applying yogurt to your face, eat it – it’s created for anyway. It’s packed with “good” bacteria, calcium and protein to help maintain brightened skin.

2. Water

Drinking Water 2 1

Good things are worth repeating: never, never underestimate the power of drinking water. It flushes out toxins and bacteria, thus giving you a youthful complexion. If you despise the taste of H2O, add flavouring — just make sure it’s not sugared. Read about how a woman improve her complexion by leaps and bounds simply by hydrating herself sufficiently.

3. Tomatoes

A Fruit Stall In A Florence Market In Winter.

You probably know that tomatoes are fruits, but did you know that it can boost the effectiveness of a natural sunscreen? Now your skin is protected from free radicals!

4. Salmon


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Salmons have a high content in fatty acids. Since it enhances collagen, it improves our skin’s elasticity. Ergo, brightened skin. Not much of a Salmon fan? Try opting for flaxseeds or walnuts, instead.

5. Spinach

Not only is spinach great for our body’s strength (anybody recognised the Popeye reference?), it’s also beneficial towards skin brightening — all thanks to its high content in antioxidants! Eat it raw for the best results.

6. Potato


Raw potato, that is. It has a high content of Vitamin C, which is an active ingredient in many skin brightening products. You can eat it raw too, just don’t overdo it. Stuffed with phytonutrients and antioxidants, they help with skin health, blood pressure and digestion. Just to be on the safe side, bake it.

7. Lemons


According to One Green Planet, sucking on lemons can brighten our skin because they detoxify the liver. Go easy on them though, as they’re known to cause cavities. Blame it on the acidic properties.

8. Avocados


Pair it with honey and you have got yourself a DIY mask. Avocados are chock-full of Vitamins A, E and C and are known for protecting the skin from harmful sun rays. Include this food in your diet as well, as its high potassium intake keeps the skin moisturised and hydrated.

9. Carrots


Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which is one of the most important nutrients for healthy skin. It fight wrinkles, smooths roughness and lightens dark spots. Other food that include Vitamin A are tuna and sweet potatoes.

10. Papaya


Green, unripe papaya brightens the skin as it contains papain, an enzyme that increases new skin cells. Use it on your face (you don’t want a stomach upset, do you?) and leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can also include papaya (ripe) in your daily diet. It keeps our skin hydrated, smooth and supple.

11. Cucumber


Packed with water, Vitamin C and silica, cucumbers are known for preventing wrinkles and fighting acne. The fact that these veggies brighten the skin is an extra icing on the cake.

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