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Why Daily Vanity?

Daily Vanity is an award-winning beauty media company with offices in Singapore and Malaysia.

In Singapore, 4 in 5 women consume our content annually, making us the most-read beauty media with the highest social media following in the country. Our Malaysia site is rapidly growing, quickly gaining the trust of Malaysia's English-speaking audience.

Our founders are recognized thought leaders in the beauty, media, and digital spaces, thanks to Daily Vanity's achievements over the years. They are frequently invited for commentaries by mainstream media, to speak or serve as guest panelists at marketing summits, and to judge competitions.

We believe in creating robust and innovative solutions that works for our clients and resonates with the consumers


  • Data-Focused
  • Beauty-Focused
  • Objective-Focused
  • Massive Exposure To Beginners, Advocates, & Experts
    Massive exposure to beginners,
    advocates, and experts
  • Boundaries Pushing
    Boundaries pushing
  • Value For Money
    Value for money

Drop us a message in the contact form below to find out how we can help you achieve your marketing objectives.