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Oily skin is one of the most common skin types that women in Singapore face. Oily skin is associated with many other common skin concerns, they include: blackheads, acne and unflattering shine on the skin. And in many cases, women also experience both sensitivity and oily or acne-prone skin, making it an even trickier condition to treat.

It’s not easy to solve these problems. If you use a pimple cream or mattifying product, you may see superficial skin drying, and in cases where you decide to use extraction facials as a way to get rid of the gunk in your skin, they’re certainly going end up in tears – sometimes quite literally.

Geranium Skin & Hair Boutique has been in the skincare business for 11 years and specialises in extraction facials, which have helped many sufferers of oily skin, blackheads, and acne. They also provide facials that help improve skin with acne scars and marks.

Having helped many clients with oily skin concerns, we’re sure that Grace, founder of Geranium, knows what she’s talking about when we asked her for tips to better care for oily skin. Read on for her tips!

1. Remove your makeup thoroughly

Those with acne-prone skin may shy away from makeup, but if you feel more confident wearing some – go ahead! The only thing that you have to remember to do is to remove all your makeup thoroughly at the end of the day. But even if you don’t wear makeup, it’s always a good practice to double-cleanse. This is because there are water insoluble ingredients in products such as sunscreen, which can only cleansed with an oil-based or cream-based product.

2. Avoid over-cleansing

It may be tempting to wash your face more frequently because it feels oily. Resist the urge to do it. Our skin needs a healthy amount of both oil and moisture, and they’re not inter-exchangeable. Over-cleansing your face can strip the natural moisture from your face; you’ll end up with dry, flaking skin that produces lots of oil as your skin tries to compensate for the dehydration on your skin’s surface. Stick to washing your face twice a day – once in the day, and another time after you’ve removed your makeup.

3. Exfoliate regularly

Exfoliation is a good habit that many people are not used to. It helps to remove the accumulated layer of dead skin cells on your face that can make it look dull. Exfoliation also helps to prevent the forming of blackheads and clogging of pores. This helps prevent the appearance of acne in the long run. This is a weekly skincare step that those with oily skin should never miss.

4. You have to tone and moisturise

Oily skin tends to be of a lower pH level than normal skin, and a toner helps to adjust the pH environment of your skin so it becomes healthier. Skipping the toning step leaves your skin no chance to adjust its pH level. Also, it’s a misconception that oily skin doesn’t need moisturisation. You need a moisturiser to be able to have good overall skin health.

5. Facial treatments with extraction can help

Oily skin is prone to clogged pores. This is because excess sebum hardens and become “plugs” that clog up pores. When they oxidise, they form blackheads, which can develop into pimples when there’s bacterial inflammation. To nip the problem in the bud, get rid of the clogging with extraction.

If you’ve had bad experiences with extraction, we recommend that you give Geranium Skin & Hair Boutique a try.

“Professional extraction is not supposed to excessively hurt or cause redness. Our therapists are trained to perform extraction skilfully, so you only experience minimal discomfort,” Grace confidently shares.

6. Supplement with facial treatments catered for your skin conditions

After you’ve taken care of unclogging your pores, you should supplement your skin with some skincare boosters. Consider the other facial treatments that Geranium Skin & Hair Boutique has that cater to different skin concerns.

For instance, the Anti-Bac Treatment is a very effective option for those with acne-prone skin. It helps by preventing inflammation, as well as control over-production of sebum.

If you have sensitive skin, the Sensi Treatment will be your best choice. It doesn’t just take care of oily, acne-prone skin, it also calms skin down and deeply hydrates it.

Finally, to help lighten the appearance of acne scars and pimple marks, you’ll find the Micro Needles Face treatment effective. This also helps to control overproduction of sebum, but also help clarify skin and make it look more radiant.

7. Avoid home remedies

You may have read about home remedies that are supposed to help cure oily skin, for instance using egg white or lemon juice as a DIY mask. The problem is that these remedies may not guarantee to work, and may have adverse effects on skin. For instance, the acidic nature of lemon juice can cause redness and irritation on the skin, and in some cases, even aggravate pimples.

8. You may need pharmaceutical-grade products

Instead of home remedies, go for pharmaceutical-grade products that are specifically formulated for oily skin. Geranium Skin & Hair Boutique believes in using trustworthy products that are proven to work. This is why they use products from pharmaceutical brand SkinCeuticals, on top of specially concocted essential oil blends, to help care for their clients’ skin.

9. Practise hygiene habits

We may think we are practising good hygiene habits by washing our face twice a day and showering every day, but we’re still guilty of a few pitfalls that we often overlook.

Run through this check-list. Do you: Wash your makeup brushes and sponges at least once a week? Clean your spectacles and mobile phones with an anti-bacterial swab regularly? Only touch your face with your hands after they’ve been washed? Taking care of details may prevent the inflammation of your skin.

10. Stay away from foods that can trigger oiliness in skin

Some studies have shown that certain foods can make skin feel oilier. They include: refined grains, sugary foods, and trans fat (usually found in processed pastries such as pizzas, cookies, and doughnuts). Instead, consume fibres (fruits and vegetables) and omega-3 (salmon, tuna, cod). They are known to help reduce inflammation, which helps you prevent the appearance of acne.

Solve your oily skin problem once and for all

Let professionals help you. Visit Geranium Skin & Hair Boutique, which is best known for their skilful extraction, gua sha face techniques, and no-hard-sell policy. It is located at 26 Horne Road, BH Building #01-01 (near Lavender MRT station).

Call 6294-2581 for appointments or visit their Facebook page for more information!

This article is brought to you by Geranium.

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