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If you’ve any idea about the Thai entertainment industry, you may envy Thai celebrities for their impeccable skin and how they can pull off different makeup looks effortlessly.

It really has you wondering: what are their beauty secrets? After all, they live in the same region as we do, have to put up with the same heat and humidity as us, and we have a more similar diet to them as compared to celebrities from America, for example.

Curiosity drove us on to find out how these Thai beauty gurus keep their skin looking so flawless, and we share these tips with you.

1. You don’t need a lot of skincare products


Thai beauty gurus boast of such ethereal features and flawless skin, you may think that they spend most of their day pampering themselves with a long list of expensive skincare products. That’s where you would be wrong.

Top Thai beauty vlogger Pearypie says that she sticks to just the one skincare product that has worked the best for her and gives her skin “just what it needs”. Too many skincare products tend to lead to break-outs, according to, not only Pearypie, but also Thai beauty vlogger Lilploy, who had once suffered from extremely severe cystic acne.

2. Don’t use too many products meant for acne-prone skin

Another tip that Lilploy has for those of us who suffer from acne-prone skin is to, ironically, not use too many products “for acne-prone skin”. Products that are “for acne-prone skin” typically have ingredients that strip the skin of oil, reducing the chances of oil build-up and clogging of pores, which leads to the formation of acne.

It’s all right to use one or two of them, especially if acne is one of your skin concerns. But if your entire regime is made up of products “for acne-prone skin”, there’s a good chance that your skin will become way too dry and start to peel painfully, as was Lilploy’s unfortunate experience. Instead, she uses mostly products “for sensitive skin”, and avoids those that contain fragrances or harsh chemicals that would only aggravate acne.

3. Sunscreen is your best ally


In Singapore, we aren’t strangers to the tropical heat that Thai women also have to deal with, so this beauty tip should not come as a surprise. You may think that you don’t need sunscreen if you’re not going to be outdoors during the day, but even when you’re under shelter or inside your office, any sun exposure at all would have the potential to damage your skin. Sun damage can occur even during cloudy or rainy days!

The “best beauty advice” that former pop singer turned beauty guru Momay has ever received was from her long-time dermatologist: to never leave her house without wearing sunscreen, and we’re buying it.

4. Be thorough with makeup removal


If you aren’t already removing your makeup first thing when you get home, do it. Don’t let your makeup sit on your skin any longer than it has to. Even for Thai actress Urassaya Sperbund, the only time she puts on makeup is when she has to work.

Whether it’s Urassaya, Pearypie or Momay, the verdict is ubiquitous across the board – take the time to carefully and thoroughly clean your makeup off after every day. Your skin will thank you!

5. Chapped lips are not elegant


There’s something about Thai beauty vloggers that always make them look camera-ready at any time. The secret may not be as complicated as you would expect! Momay says in order not to look “unhealthy and unpolished”, all she has to do is keep a lip balm handy in her purse, and ensure her puckers get adequately moisturised as often as possible.

6. Moisturising is the cornerstone of your skincare


Oily skin is annoying, so many of us may be guilty of enjoying that feeling of complete dryness after face washes or removing our makeup, or even from being in air-conditioned rooms and offices.

We all know that this is bad for your skin. One popular school of thought is that overly dry skin can trigger your sebaceous glands to overcompensate by producing more oil. It is no surprise that moisturising plays an important part of any Thai beauty guru’s regime.

We’ve mentioned that Pearypie uses only one skincare product, and it’s telling that that product is a moisturising cream. She has said that it “moisturises [her] dry skin very well, in both warm and cold climates”.

After Momay removes her makeup, she also typically ends off with a face mask to rejuvenate her skin with moisture. Aside from helping with oil control, ensuring that your skin is adequately hydrated will also help you look younger!

7. Bottoms up!


Some of us hate drinking water, or find it difficult to fit in a regular water break in between our daily sweetened drinks. You’re not alone! Thai actress Urassaya Sperbund experiences the same reluctance when it comes to drinking water, but for the sake of her health, she tries to do it anyway.

Keeping adequately hydrated is important for your overall health, which will affect your physical appearances as well. Male Thai beauty vlogger and skincare enthusiast PuPe So Sweet recommends at least 1.5 litres of water a day, but divided up into manageable doses.

Instead of carrying around a 1.5-litre water bottle around with you, which is not just heavy but also intimidating if you’re not used to drinking so much water, carry a 500ml or 750ml water bottle and tell yourself you need to drink fill it up and finish it at least two or three times in the day.

Momay also recommends drinking a big glass of water in the morning just to replace all the water that you might have lost while in your sleep.

8. Oral supplements can help you glow from inside out


You may think all beauty vloggers were naturally gifted with beautiful skin, but skin problems plague them as much as they do us. Beauty vlogger Lilploy describes her journey battling severe cystic acne, and her many failed attempts at dermatologist medication, as well as laser treatments, that left her crying with pain.

The answer she finally found? Go back to the basics, and start from inside out. She stopped all her medications, treatments and skincare products and started drinking a mixture of consumable collagen and vitamin C. Within two months, her acne had toned down significantly.

Lilploy is not alone in her endorsement of collagen – PuPe So Sweet has also gotten behind consuming skincare supplement, citing benefits that it has had for his skin.

9. Try Korean skincare products


The Korean beauty wave has hit most of Asia hard, and Thailand is no exception. The holy grail products of many Thai beauty gurus are usually from Korean brands, and it’s common to see entire beauty regimes consisting only of Korean skincare. One such example of a beauty vlogger who strongly believes in her Korean skincare is MissElectraheart, a Thai beauty Youtuber based in Austria.

Remember earlier when we said Pearypie sticks to only the one product that works best for her skin? Yes, you guessed it – that product is from The History of Whoo, a Korean brand that was commissioned by the National Government of Korea.

Featured image from here.