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Have you ever been tempted to try out some DIY home remedy or face mask that looks so effective and easy to do on social media? After all, most of them use natural ingredients, and everything natural will provide us with amazing benefits with little to no threats to safety for anyone – right?!

Unfortunately, no. An ingredient being ‘natural’ does not necessarily guarantee its safety. Any ingredient, whether natural or not, has the potential of causing irritation or reactions if your skin is sensitive to it.

We’ve compiled this list of ingredients commonly found in DIY home remedies and face masks that you should be really careful about putting on your face!

1. Lemon juice


Lemon juice is commonly used in many DIY home remedies for its brightening effect. However, it has a pH level of 2, which actually means that it is highly acidic.

Applying it directly on your skin can disrupt the skin’s acid mantle which has a natural pH level of 4 to 5. This could lead to the weakening of your skin protective layer, which may even cause dryness and flaking!

Did you also know that the oils in citrus fruits are potentially phototoxic? When exposed to direct sunlight, they may cause a burning sensation on your skin.

2. Baking soda / Bicarbonate of soda


Besides its main purpose in baking and cleaning, baking soda is commonly used for its exfoliating properties. At a pH level of 9, however, it is an extremely alkaline substance and is not a good mix for the skin’s natural pH level.

If you use this often and for a long time, it may lead to the disruption and weakening of the skin’s protective layer, causing it to be drier and more prone to infection.

3. Sugar


Sugar is another popular ingredient in home masks. Since they are literally hard grains, rubbing them on your skin and/or lips can serve to abrade and slough off the topmost layer of dead skin cells.

However, because of its abrasive nature, people with sensitive or dry skin should be careful when using sugar in their skincare routine. Its harsh and uneven edges can create tiny micro-tears on the skin surface which may be invisible to the naked eye.

This can once again damage the skin protective layer and bring about unpleasant reactions such as inflammation and skin irritation.

4. Coconut oil


Many have testified that coconut oil is a must-have ingredient in their beauty regime. It moisturises and helps you achieve healthy and radiant looking skin at the same time.

However, we need to keep in mind that this does not apply to everyone. If you happen to have clogged pores, or acne-prone skin, you might want to be more cautious about using raw coconut oil on your skin.

Coconut oil is comedogenic, which means it’s very likely to clog pores and cause acne. Its occlusive and moisture-retaining properties, while helping in hydrating the skin, may aggravate acne for those who are particularly prone to these skin issues.

5. Mayonnaise


As a hair mask, it works wonders in providing moisture for your locks. As a face mask – not so much.

Similar to coconut oil, mayonnaise is an occlusive ingredient which may result in clogged pores and encouraged bacterial growth on the skin.

6. Cinnamon


Cinnamon may have anti-bacterial properties, but there can be too much of a good thing. One should always exercise caution when applying this popular spice onto their face.

Applying too much cinnamon can result in skin irritation and burning sensations. This is even more likely to happen if you have sensitive skin.

7. Raw Eggs


We’ve heard so many good things about egg masks: it apparently helps to minimise the appearance of pores and to firm the skin. However, if you’re going to be using raw eggs in your mask, be extra careful about Salmonella contamination.

At some point or other, you would’ve heard about how infectious the bacteria Salmonella is. Other than posing serious health risks, it may also cause adverse reactions on the skin when combined with other ingredients.

8. Crushed up medications/supplements

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Sometimes, skin problems may arise from the lack of certain nutrients in our body. That is why many people consume supplements orally.

Unfortunately, these beneficial properties don’t stay the same when you crush them and apply them topically on your skin. The chemical structures of oral supplements are usually designed to be absorbed via the stomach, rather than through the dermal layers. You may find yourself clogging up your pores instead of providing any tangible benefit to your skin.

While DIY home remedies and masks may be appealing for its affordability and simplicity, we should exercise care when it comes to applying anything on our faces.

Knowing your skin better is always a good step to take if you want to avoid unexpected breakouts. If you feel the need to, invest in an allergy patch test to find out exactly what ingredients you need to be avoiding on your skin.

Featured image from here.