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At first, we also asked ourselves: why would we want to spray on our serums? The idea started to make more sense to us once we actually tried it – it actually saves us a lot of time, and was especially useful in the mornings when we’re rushing to work.

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By now, we probably all know about the famous 10-step Korean beauty regime, but how many of us actually have the time or the discipline to follow through with those 10 steps night after night?

Women have always had to wear many hats in their lives, and things aren’t getting any easier for us in our modern age. We have to juggle our work with our families, and on top of that, we have to remember to take time out to care for ourselves too.

There’s also one advantage when it comes to spraying on serums that may not occur to many people. It completely circumvents the problem of applying skincare products by hand.

Want to save time? Spray on your serums

Iren By Ikeda Spa Skin Vaporizer 3

It wasn’t enough for Iren to come up with chemist-formulated Customized Serums – they also innovated a revolutionary Skin Vaporizer which really maximises the benefits your skincare can have for your skin.

Designed to work perfectly with the Iren Customized Serums, the Skin Vaporizer splits up the serums into nano-sized particles as it disperses it on to your face in an even but concentrated spray.

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Spraying on the serum in this way actually helps to optimise the way your serum is absorbed on to your skin – you don’t even need to pat or massage it on anymore after! Just spray it on, and you’re done. Imagine how much time that saves!

There are advantages to not applying skincare by hand

Using the Skin Vaporizer also has one added advantage: the bacteria from your hands isn’t going to contact your face.

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Since acne and other skin conditions are largely exacerbated by cross-contamination from your fingers on to your face (that’s why aesthetic doctors and dermatologists are frequently nagging you to stop touching your face), the Skin Vaporizer really solved a huge issue for us here.

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Besides that, the Skin Vaporizer also helps to break up the serum into nano-fine particles that will efficiently absorb into your skin without the need for you to massage or pat it in. That means less tugging on your skin, and slower formation of wrinkles and fine lines!

How fine is nano-fine?

We were intrigued by Iren’s claims that the Vaporizer is able to split serums up into nano-sized particles, so we decided to compare it with a regular misting spray.

We used blotting paper so that you can really see how large (or fine) the droplets are. Here are the results:

Iren By Ikeda Spa Water Spray Vs Vaporizer 2

We’re pretty impressed! Even from this distance, you can already see the obvious differences between the two. Wait till you see the zoomed in pictures below.

Iren By Ikeda Spa Water Spray 1

With the regular misting spray on the left, you can obviously see the how diffuse and uneven the spray is. The liquid is also dispersed in large droplets, which takes longer to be absorbed into skin.

Iren By Ikeda Spa Skin Vaporizer Blotting Paper 1

The Iren Skin Vaporizer blasts a concentrated jet of serum particles onto the spot on which it is sprayed, and can already see how much finer each droplet is compared to regular misting sprays. The droplets are also much more evenly-sized than the regular misting spray.

Of course, I had to try it out for myself

When I get curious, I’d naturally want to try it out for myself. I headed down to Face Shower Bar by Ikeda, where Iren is exclusively sold, and got a free skin consultation done on my face so that I would be able to get the three serums best suited for my skin type.

Iren By Ikeda Spa Customized Serum

From L to R: Iren Clearing Serum, Soothing Serum, Hydrating Serum

Despite all my moisturising efforts, my skin still suffers from dry, flakey patches, so the first thing I was recommended was the Iren Hydrating Serum, which features blueberries in order to quench skin dehydration and return suppleness to the skin.

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I don’t really have sensitive skin, but I still do get redness on some areas of my face. The next serum that went into my basket was the Iren Soothing Serum, boasting the power of avocado to de-stress my skin and to bring down irritation and redness.

Finally, I can never quite get rid of the congested pores on my face, especially on my nose and jawline. To target this concern, I got the Iren Clearing Serum, which uses the natural Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA) in pumpkin to achieve cleaner pores and a smoother skin texture.

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There are a whopping total of seven Customized Serums to choose from, and they’re all made in Japan. I was grateful to have the help of the friendly staff at Face Shower Bar, or I wouldn’t have known where to start!

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How Iren’s Ziplock Encapsulation Technology works

Iren innovated a Ziplock Encapsulation Technology in partnership with national research agency A*STAR, which uses a patented material to wrap around each molecule of the active ingredient. The active ingredient is only released when it comes into contact with skin, so it’s doubly effective when used together with the Skin Vaporizer.

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The bottle was also something new to me: when you twist open the cap, the dropper in the cap will simultaneously take up exactly one full drop of serum. The top of the cap also unlocks a button as you twist it open, which you can press to dispense your serum.

The concept was already cool to begin with, but then I realised how much time it saved me from fussing over how much serum gets into my dropper, and other concerns.

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The serum was a gel-like texture, although it was slightly thicker than a regular gel. If you apply it without the Skin Vaporizer, the serum will go on smoothly onto the skin and had a very light scent that was also soothing in its own right.

With the Skin Vaporizer, you simply load the mixture of your serums into a small water tank on the top of the device. Press and hold a button, and the serum will be dispensed in a nano-fine mist from the nozzle.

Facial Mist 2

Spray the serum in a “M” formation on your face for about three to four seconds, and you’re done! You don’t need to pat it in or massage the serum into your skin – the technology already does it for you. Apply the serum after toner and before your essence, twice a day in the morning and evening.

You’ll be surprised how much time you save

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Iren Skin Vaporizer retails at SGD338.

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Iren Customized Serums retail at SGD58 each.

Iren skincare products are sold exclusively at Face Shower Bar (City Link Mall, #B1-17A) and Ikeda Spa. You can also shop online at www.irenskin.com.

Get the Skin Vaporizer for a lower price

If spraying on your serums sounds like something you’d be absolutely up for trying, this discount code should help to sweeten the deal.

Get the Skin Vaporizer for SGD299

(U.P. SGD338)!

Simply click here to sign up for a discount code

This article is brought to you by Iren. 

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