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Truth be told, I’ve never bothered looking into anti-ageing skincare or felt like I needed it till I turned 25 and came across a few articles that explained how I was losing 1% of my collagen each year.

In case you didn’t know, our collagen production starts to dwindle in our mid-to-late 20s and early 30s. And now that I’m well into over 25 years of my life, I can’t help but feel frantic that my skin’s collagen levels are dropping while I scramble to find the right anti-ageing skincare product for me.

From my teenage years to my early 20s, I’ve also been rather short-sighted and had the misconception that ageing skin only translates to wrinkles and fine lines. When, in fact, there are six other signs of ageing: dry skin, dull skin, uneven skin tone, visible pores, rough skin texture, and blotchiness and age spots.

astalift jelly aquarysta review

So imagine my enthusiasm when I was given the chance to review ASTALIFT’s Jelly Aquarysta, one of the more interesting anti-ageing products I’ve come across that’s also highly raved in Asia!

Whether you’re new to the anti-ageing game and gearing up with an arsenal of effective products or a pro who’s looking for more ways to keep your skin youthful, this skin conditioning serum can be an incredible addition to your daily skincare routine.

ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta + Red Series

astalift jelly aquarysta review astalift red series

Hailing from Japan, this innovative anti-ageing skincare brand was created by FUJIFILM by leveraging their expertise in advanced technologies and skin research perfected from photographic applications.

Backed by science, ASTALIFT’s skincare products are crafted with nanotechnology to make each molecule particle even smaller so that it can reach the deeper layers of your skin and treat it at a cellular level.

One of the prominent creations in their anti-ageing skincare repertoire is the Jelly Aquarysta which is made even better when paired with the Red Series, consisting of the Moist Lotion and Cream.

Why is the ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta a good investment to combat ageing skin?

astalift jelly aquarysta review

This jelly-like skin conditioning serum, also known as a pre-essence, is made to be used as the first step of your skincare regimen after cleansing.

The Jelly Aquarysta works to repair your skin barrier’s function by strengthening its natural defence with potent antioxidants, keeping your skin protected from any external and environmental influences that could lead to the effects of ageing.

At the same time, it boosts your skin’s moisture levels and ability to retain moisture, eventually lending you a firmer visage with better elasticity.

It also pairs well with any of your skincare products and opens your skin up to glowing possibilities, since the Jelly Aquarysta can improve your skin’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Meaning to say, you’ll be reaping the full benefits of all the products you apply topically after this skin conditioning serum. It doesn’t stop there either as regular use will enhance the absorption capabilities and following products’ efficacy even more.

As for visible results, ASTALIFT’s Jelly Aquarysta has been proven to make the skin more moisturised in just one day, firmer and plumper in five days, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles in four to six weeks.

Key ingredients in ASTALIFT’s Jelly Aquarysta

astalift jelly aquarysta review

Bottled in vibrant, glossy red, you may be surprised to find that the jelly pre-essence is also in a unique red colour thanks to the super antioxidant astaxanthin present.

A powerhouse ingredient for anti-ageing benefits and a trending skincare ingredient in 2023, astaxanthin is 1,000x more effective than Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and 6,000 times more than vitamin C. Plus, it’s also nanolised, which means your skin will only take in the very best and at optimal levels.

Other ingredients include nano-lycopene, tri-functional collagen, and triple human-type nano-ceramides, which is yet another popular skincare ingredient for repairing the skin barrier and increasing its moisture-retention capacity.

ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta review: First impressions

astalift jelly aquarysta review

When I first opened the box, I was pleasantly surprised to find a transparent plate that could hold both the red tub and the provided spatula.

Sure, it’s not entirely necessary but I came to realise how hygienic and convenient it was. Plus, it felt “extra,” which I’m totally here for because I believe we should all feel like kings and queens, especially while going through our skincare routine.

astalift jelly aquarysta review

I was also very enamoured with its jelly texture and “jelly-like” claim. I must say, I’ve tried some products from brands that were called “jelly,” but ASTALIFT’s skin conditioning serum has reinvented what a jelly skincare product is to me.

Imagine it: a skincare product that feels just like actual jelly, absorbs very quickly, and doesn’t leave the skin sticky either.

The sensation you get from the incredible texture is almost unexplainable — it feels really good on my skin and like I’m putting on a protective veil.

astalift jelly aquarysta review

The “wildest” thing, to me, was this jelly skin conditioning serum’s unique self-restoring ability. On my second use, I was surprised to find there were no scoop marks from before and gave myself a few moments to question whether I actually used it.

Yes, it literally goes back into its original shape! It’s as if I had a magical tub and unlimited source for the fountain of youth.

I’m also a fan of not having to pat the product into my face or massage it into my skin, which some of my current skincare products require me to, due to the nanolised ingredients in ASTALIFT’s Jelly Aquarysta.

My skin felt instantly moisturised, was firmer the very next day, and didn’t produce excess sebum from dehydration.

The verdict on ASTALIFT’s Jelly Aquarysta, after two weeks

astalift jelly aquarysta review

For some context, I have combination skin with concerns of visible pores, uneven textures, dull skin, blemishes, acne scars, and lines on the neck.

My skin’s also mostly dehydrated and mistaken as oily skin due to excessive oil and sebum production (and we all know that the grey area between “dewy” and “oily” isn’t that huge).

Sometimes, my skin feels dry right after cleansing and drying, so slathering this jelly-like skin conditioning serum onto my face twice a day for two weeks has been an absolute dream. Not only does it feel like a spa each time I use it, but my skin also looks and feels so much more moisturised.

My skin, especially the T-zone, is a lot less oily in the mornings and feels smoother and more well-balanced with less visible pores. It was hard to notice without comparing with before and after images, but I also noticed how my skin looks less inflamed and more radiant now!

astalift jelly aquarysta review

I also felt like the lines on my neck became less obvious but not entirely gone, which made me excited to continue using the product for two to four weeks more for better results.

I usually get acne around my forehead, cheeks, or jawline during my menstrual cycle, but I noticed how I hardly had any this time round (possibly due to a more balanced skin barrier?) and some of my blemishes were lighter than before too.

In the two weeks, it was incredibly easy to weave in the ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta into my skincare routine since it blends well with any other product. I’ve also basically fallen in love with the jelly texture, so much so that I find myself taking longer than usual with my skincare…the more I apply, the plumper my skin feels!

astalift jelly aquarysta review

Another revelation was how the Jelly Aquarysta worked wonders for lasting makeup. I had errands to run in the morning from 8am, a dinner at 6.30pm, and a family game night that went on till 3am.

Normally, as an #oilygirl, I’d reapply my makeup before heading out for dinner, but I decided to test it out and was seriously impressed.

My makeup actually stayed on for about 20 hours and it didn’t get patchy like it usually would. On days when it’s hotter and I’m sweating more, I tend to see my pores more visibly and find fine lines that appear under my eyes after 10 to 12 hours, but this didn’t happen when I started using this jelly-like pre-essence.

The final verdict? My experience with the ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta was nothing short of groundbreaking and rejuvenating for both my mind and skin. It also felt like my skin was better taken care of than before since it’s been “trained” to take in all the beneficial nutrients from my other skincare products.

Where to get your hands on the ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta

astalift jelly aquarysta review

ASTALIFT Jelly Aquarysta retails for S$148 (40g) and S$222 (60g) at astalift.com.sg, Shopee, Lazada, and ASTALIFT retail outlets at Raffles City and Plaza Singapura. A 5g travel-sized tub is also available for S$19 at their website and refills are priced at S$141 (40g) and S$212 (60g).

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