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You’ve invested time and money into your skincare, scouring the Internet for product recommendations and endlessly expanding your skincare collection. But somehow, your skin just doesn’t seem to be getting any better!

Sounds familiar? Not to worry – we’ve got you covered.

Whether you’re using products that aren’t suitable for your skin or overcomplicating your skincare routine, there are a million reasons why skincare products might not be working for you.

We’re here to break down the biggest reasons for ineffective skincare, along with how to troubleshoot your skincare habits.

So, keep reading for the full scoop, and find out how to finally get your products to work!

Identifying Unsuitable Skincare Products

Credits: @issaro/Freepik

If a skincare product isn’t working for your skin, it’s important to identify the problematic product and remove it from your routine to avoid further damaging your skin!

Naturally, if your skin isn’t improving despite at least a month of consistent use, the product in question likely isn’t able to address your skin concerns.

You might also experience more severe reactions, such as increased irritation or redness, along with sudden breakouts in new areas.

However, you should also look out for more subtle hints that a product isn’t working well with your skin.

For example, if your skin is becoming more dry or greasy, or begins to look dull, a new product in your routine could be to blame. You should also watch out for fine lines and uneven skin texture becoming more prominent instead of fading.

There are also signs specific to certain skincare products that you should be wary of when trying new products.

For facial cleansers, your skin shouldn’t feel tight after cleansing, as this can signify that the cleanser is stripping your skin of natural oils that can protect against environmental stressors.

Continuing to use the cleanser can lead to enlarged pores or production of excess oil, so you should be looking for a gentle, pH-balancing cleanser as a replacement!

Meanwhile, your SPF may not be working if you continue to experience hyperpigmentation.

Harsh UV rays can lead to brown spots appearing on our skin, so if your sunscreen isn’t preventing these spots, it’s time to switch to a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or above.

Why Skincare Products Aren’t Working

Credits: NBC News

There are a plethora of reasons why certain skincare products might be unsuitable for your skin, from issues in the products’ formula to a natural incompatibility with your skin.

Firstly, make sure you’re not giving up on a product too quickly!

Certain products like moisturisers or chemical exfoliants might be able to instantly hydrate or smooth your skin, but deeper skin issues like hyperpigmentation can take much longer to be resolved.

So, if your new product isn’t producing severe adverse reactions, it’s worth trying it for at least a month, to allow a full turnover of your skin cells.

As you age, the rate of your skin cell turnover also slows down, so skincare products will likely take longer to be effective. In these cases, consistency is key!

Another reason for a skincare product not doing its job might be its lack of effective active ingredients.

Effective active ingredients that are supported by science are meant to target specific skin concerns, making them indispensable in solving skin problems in the long term.

Still, it’s important to be careful when trying out strong actives, as applying them too frequently can irritate your skin and damage your skin barrier.

Certain combinations should also be avoided, such as retinol with AHAs or BHAs, or retinol with vitamin C, as they won’t be able to work optimally together and can end up damaging your skin instead!

To find the right skincare products for you, try keeping a log of which skincare products have worked well for you in the past, and identify their hero ingredients.

This will give you an idea of how different ingredients interact with your skin, so you can pick out new products with formulas that’ll suit your individual needs and produce the most significant improvements.

Issues With Your Skincare Routine

Credits: @freepik/Freepik

If your skincare products all seem to work well in theory, but you’re still not seeing any results, it might be time to re-evaluate your skincare routine, and figure out why it might not be working for you.

Your skin might have gotten used over time to your current skincare routine, which means that products will gradually become less effective.

For example, if you’ve been experiencing dramatic improvements with a certain product, you’re unlikely to see the same results after every single use.

Your skin can grow to tolerate skincare ingredients over time, which eventually reduces their effectiveness.

So, if it’s time to switch up your skincare routine, you can try using a new product every three to six months, in order to stimulate your skin to continue improving.

Conversely, if your skincare routine is already overloaded with serums and active ingredients, your routine might actually give you more sensitive skin!

A ten-step skincare routine isn’t always necessary, and using too many elaborate products at once might end up weakening your skin barrier instead, which reduces the effectiveness of other skincare products.

Fixing An Ineffective Skincare Routine

Credits: @pikisuperstar/Freepik

There are a few easy ways to improve your skincare routine in order to get the most out of every product.

First of all, applying your products consistently and in the right order is key to ensuring their effectiveness!

Experts often suggest applying products with the lightest consistency first before adding thicker and richer products.

This allows the lightweight products to penetrate into your skin without being blocked by thick formulas.

You should also try to let each skincare product dry completely before adding the next layer so that each product absorbs fully into the skin – a portable fan at your vanity table is perfect for those who want to save time!

Lastly, if all else fails, consider returning to the basics of skincare – cleansing, hydration, and sun protection!

Try simplifying your routine to focus on strengthening your skin barrier so that the rest of your skincare products can work effectively. Look for gentle and soothing products.

Suppose you’re incorporating actives into your routine. In that case, you can also try pairing an active ingredient, such as retinol, with a calming skincare product, like a hyaluronic acid serum, to protect your skin from any harsh side effects.

By focusing on skincare products that compliment each other and suit your individual needs, you’ll be able to see visible results and improve your skin’s health over time!

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