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You’ve probably wondered how Korean actresses maintain their slender figures with their busy schedules — we did too, that is, until this diet recipe landed onto our TikTok For You Page.

Witch Stew Lee Hanee

Credits: @kbsworldtv/YouTube

Korean actresses Jin Seoyeon and Lee Hanee have shared about this recipe and how it’s all they eat whenever they’re getting in shape for a drama!

Witch Stew Jin Seoyeon

Credits: @kbsworldtv/YouTube

Read on as we dissect this TikTok creator’s (@michelleyaejin) recipe that looks appetising and easy to replicate!


✨LOSE WEIGHT for the summer body with this recipe: -Cabbage -Carrot -Celery -Mushroom -Tomato -Onion -Beef -Bone Broth (i used chicken) -Curry Powder -Bay Leaves (optional) -Black Pepper -Butter #koreanrecipe #diet #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #dinnerideas #weightlossfood #마녀스프

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What Is the “Witch’s Stew”

Its direct translation from its Korean name reads “Witch’s Stew”, but don’t be fooled by its spooky name!

It looks nothing like what’s bubbling in a witch’s cauldron — on the contrary, you’ll find a nutritious and hearty concoction of vegetables and meat.

TikTok creator @michelleyaejin shares her recipe in a straightforward TikTok video of her making the stew. She loves it so much she makes it on a monthly basis and has it for a whole week straight!

Here’s where the time-saving part comes in: you can also put in into containers bowl, freeze it, then heat it up whenever you want to have some of it.

Add Lots of Vegetables

Credits: @michelleyaejin/TikTok

The goal is to make the pot as colourful as you can! As seen in Michelle’s TikTok, she added a variety of greens like cabbage, celery, carrots and tomatoes.

Slice them up into cubes — perfect for a each serving of stew.

Certain Ingredients Can Add More Flavour to Your Stew

Witch Stew Mushroom Onion

Credits: @michelleyaejin/TikTok

It’s all about adding the right ingredients too. Mushrooms and onions are great options if you want to add natural flavouring to your food.

Corn and potatoes, though not featured in Michelle’s TikTok, are some flavourful alternatives to be considered as well.

Don’t Forget Your Protein

Witch Stew Meat

Credits: @michelleyaejin/TikTok

Of course, what really adds to the flavour of the stew would be your meat of choice! Michelle used beef, but other variations of meat can work too.

Michelle reiterates that you have full autonomy to how you prepare this stew — if you want more meat, you can add more meat to the pot. Likewise, you can also add more vegetables if that’s what you prefer.

Just like what you did with your vegetables, chop your meat up into cubes and add them to the pot first.

Add Everything Else In and Stir It Well

Witch Stew Pot

Credits: @michelleyaejin/TikTok

It got its name for a reason — after pouring all your ingredients into the pot, it resembles that of a witch’s cauldron.

Just remember to stir well so everything gets cooked properly!

Three Ingredients You’ll Need for the Perfect Broth

Witch Stew Flavour

Credits: @michelleyaejin/TikTok

Michelle used chicken bone broth for her stew. For added flavour and thickness, she sprinkled some Japanese curry sauce mix into the concoction before finishing up with some bay leaves and black pepper—the cherry on top of a good bowl of curry stew.

Tie It All In With Some Light Cheese

Witch Stew Cheese

Credits: @michelleyaejin/TikTok

Contrary to popular belief, Michelle argues that cheese is healthy. She adds some cheese to her bowl as a final touch, using light cheese to keep the calorie intake at a minimum.

Don’t be afraid to add some dairy in your stew to thicken it — a balanced, nutritious diet is key!

Featured image credits: @michelleyaejin/TikTok

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