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Getting dental veneers is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in recent times. Everyone wants a beautiful smile and getting veneer teeth is seen as the way to achieve this.

In this article, we’ll cover what they are, the potential benefits, the procedure, and how much they cost in Singapore. Read on to find out more!

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are custom-made coverings to cover the front surface of your teeth. Think of them as a shell that fits on your natural tooth and conceals any cracks, stains, or chips on the surface.

We get it, not everyone is born with perfect teeth. Plus, your daily cup of kopi and cheeky glass of wine on the weekends may contribute to staining your teeth. So these cosmetic teeth can be a good option.

What Happens to Teeth Under Veneers?

A small amount of enamel is removed on the tooth that will have a veneer installed. Nerves and roots should not be touched and your natural teeth should remain whole and intact.

If you’re chronically online (hello, we see you lurking on TikTok), you might have come across ‘horror’ videos of young people shaving down their teeth to get veneers installed. That’s not it!

Getting them properly installed and having a beautiful smile does not necessarily mean having to drastically alter your natural teeth.

Are Veneers Good for Teeth?

The short answer is yes, they can be good for your teeth!

Aside from gaining more confidence when you flash your pearly whites, they can help restore your natural dental appearance.

are veneers good for teeth

Credit: Nhia Moua/Unsplash

You may be suitable for this procedure if you have chipped, misshapen or broken teeth, big gaps in your smile (i.e. diastema), too-small teeth, or stains that are unable to be removed, despite whitening.

However, do note that this procedure should only be considered as an option if you do not have any underlying oral issues like having gum disease or being cavity-prone. As always, do check with your dentist for your suitability before exploring this cosmetic treatment.

What Are the Veneer Teeth Options Available?

There are several types of veneer teeth available:

  • Porcelain veneers
  • Composite veneers
  • Minimal prep veneers

Each type of dental veneer comes with its own unique characteristics and applications. For example, porcelain and composite veneers are irreversible and you may experience more discomfort and sensitivity after installing them, as compared to minimal prep veneers.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are made of thin, high-quality porcelain shells. Due to the material used, porcelain veneers mimic the translucency and look of natural teeth most closely.

They are known for being durable, and resistant to staining. Porcelain ones are an ideal option for those who want to target discolouration to minor teeth misalignments.

However, the downside of porcelain veneers is that they require the most tooth reduction out of all veneer types.

What Are Composite Veneers?

Composite veneers are made of composite resin which is directly applied onto the desired tooth. Once applied, the dentist shapes the resin into the desired shape. When skilfully executed, composite veneers can also provide a natural appearance like porcelain veneers.

While composite veneers require less enamel removal and are more affordable than porcelain veneers, they also need more frequent maintenance and touch-ups. The composite veneer option is ideal for those who only want minor cosmetic improvements.

So if you’re the type that prefers to be “one and done” and have more serious cosmetic issues to be fixed, then composite veneers may not be the choice for you.

What Are Minimal Prep Veneers?

Minimal prep veneers are a newer type of veneer available in both porcelain and composite materials.

As its name suggests, minimal prep veneers require the least enamel removal out of the three types. Not only does this make minimal prep veneer a good option for those who want to preserve more of their tooth structure, but also a more reversible option.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Depending on the type of veneer, they last different durations. Porcelain ones typically last from 10 to 15 years. Composite veneers last from four to eight years. Minimal prep veneers can last up to five years.

how long do veneers last

Credit: Ozkan Guner/Unsplash

Do You Have to Brush Veneers?

Yes! Like regular teeth, you’ll have to take care of your newly installed smile. Brush your teeth twice a day with a non-abrasive toothpaste. That means no baking soda or charcoal. Don’t forget to floss daily to keep up with your oral hygiene.

By caring for your new smile properly, this will also help them last longer. Your dentist should also provide you with adequate care instructions. With proper care, your installed smile can last for years.

Other tips for maintaining your new smile include:

  • Visiting your dentist for regularly scheduled cleanings and check-ups
  • Reduce consuming the number of drinks and foods that stain your teeth (e.g. coffee, tea, wine, tobacco)
  • Use a mouth guard to protect your teeth against teeth-grinding
  • Avoid biting your nails and chewing on hard objects – don’t open things with your teeth!

Okay, now that you’ve got a good idea of what to expect when installing veneers, here comes the big question on cost.

How Much Do Veneers Cost in Singapore?

Expect to fork out about S$1,000 per tooth for porcelain veneers. And for composite veneers, these veneers cost less but you can still expect to pay from S$250 per tooth. Of course, how much your full set costs will be dependent on the complexity of your case.

Why Are Veneers so Expensive?

If you’re wondering why they cost so high, it’s because you want to pay for quality. Like getting tattoos, you’ll want to make sure that the professional is doing a great job.

Plus, it requires hours to get a set done. For example, just to complete one set of teeth it can take up to three working days to complete a set.

Can You Veneer Just One Tooth?

Yes, you can veneer just one tooth if it’s only one tooth’s appearance that is troubling you. As always, you should consult with your dentist as they will be able to best advise you, based on your aesthetic goals and medical situation.

But exactly how many teeth need veneers? And how many can you actually get? While you can technically place them on as many teeth as you want, it’s best to hear what your dentist has to say during your consultation.

Some people get just enough to cover their top row. If you have a small mouth, that’s about six to eight teeth. Those with bigger mouths may need up to 10 veneer teeth.

But if you smile with all your teeth – we’re talking top and bottom row – you’ll definitely need more (we’re talking 20 veneer teeth or more). That’s why the size of a person’s smile is also taken into consideration for the number of veneers used.

Are Veneers Painful?

When done correctly, installing them should be a pain-free process. The whole process is a minimally invasive one and you should be given local anaesthesia.

If you do feel some discomfort after the procedure, you can get Panadol or any over-the-counter pain relievers.

What Is the Veneer Teeth Dental Procedure?

Step 1: Dental consultation To review your suitability. X-rays and teeth impressions are taken at this step.
Step 2: Veneer teeth treatment planning To pick your most suitable type of veneer, according to your needs.
Step 3: Veneer tooth preparation The dentist will prep your teeth in advance, if necessary.
Step 4: Veneer tooth custom fabrication Your teeth will be made and you may get temporary ones installed in the meantime.
Step 5: Installation The dentist will install your perfect smile.


The dental veneer procedure involves several steps, each carefully planned and executed to ensure a successful outcome. Here’s an overview of the process:

1. Dental Consultation

The first step on your teeth veneer journey is to speak to your dentist. At this stage, you want to share your aesthetic goals with your dentist and have them evaluate your oral health and suitability for the procedure.

Your dentist will take x-rays and teeth impressions in preparation for planning your veneer placement. These teeth impressions will be used as the blueprint to create your custom smile.

2. Veneer Teeth Treatment Planning

After, pick the most suitable type of veneer for your budget and needs. Upon deciding the type of veneer teeth you want, your dentist will come up with a treatment plan.

The goal of the treatment plan is to inform you if you might need any tooth reduction prep work or other procedures.

veneer teeth treatment planning

Credit: Kamal Hoseinianzade/Unsplash

3. Veneer Tooth Preparation

Depending on the type of veneer you have chosen, you may have to undergo veneer tooth preparation.

If porcelain or composite veneers are selected, you will need to remove a small amount of enamel from the chosen tooth to ensure a proper fit and a natural look. For those who choose minimal prep ones, you may require little to no tooth reduction.

4. Veneer Tooth Custom Fabrication

From here on out, your dentist will work with a dental laboratory to create your new set of teeth. The goal is to ensure your new teeth are made to blend seamlessly into your natural smile. Remember: each covering can be adjusted to match any tooth’s shape, size, and colour!

At this stage, you may get temporary ones placed on your teeth while your permanent veneers are being crafted. Again, this will be subject to the dental clinic you visit so it’s good to check in with your dentist to see if this option is made available to you.

5. Installing the Veneer via Teeth Bonding

Finally, your veneers are ready and you’ve booked your appointment for installation. Your dentist will permanently bond them to your teeth using a dental adhesive, and cure it with light.

Final adjustments will be made to ensure a natural bite and a flawless smile. Once installation is completed, your dentist will instruct you on how to care for them.

Top Clinics in Singapore For Veneers

Singapore boasts a plethora of dental clinics brimming with expertise and innovative technology to help you achieve a dazzling smile. Among them, some stand out for their exceptional veneer treatments, catering to diverse needs and aesthetic preferences.

Here are three top clinics to consider for your smile transformation:

And that’s it! Good luck with your journey to achieve flawless teeth.

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