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The list of gorgeous celebrities with beautiful skin and hair goes on and on. Ariana Grande, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jessica Alba – we can’t help but admire them all.

But what is the secret to their beauty? Is it all the treatments available to them? Is it the latest skincare and makeup releases?

Or perhaps it’s because of the weird celebrity hacks many of them swear by. Apparently, there are countless strange celebrity beauty hacks out there.

We’ve gathered a few weird celebrity beauty hacks and tested them out ourselves to see once and for all if these hacks are worth the while.

Cindy Crawford – Milk and water as face mist

Weird celebrity hacks Cindy Crawford

Supermodel, actress, and television personality Cindy Crawford stands by this simple, DIY face mist. The face mist is great at keeping her face hydrated throughout the day.

Milk contains exfoliating lactic acid and fatty acids which help create a repairing barrier on the skin.

Weird celebrity hacks Cindy Crawford milk

For this hack, I reused an old face mist bottle that I had lying around and mixed in a little fresh milk and water. I didn’t feel anything different on the first spritz. It smelled only slightly of milk.

I kept spraying my face throughout the day and the next, but a friend of mine who witnessed my experiment mentioned something that stood out to me:

What if the milk… curdles?

Suddenly, I realised that my little experiment might not be that safe. So I stopped using the face mist as I didn’t want it to turn into a cheesy one overnight. I think it’s best to stick to normal face mists for now.

Laverne Cox – Baby shampoo as cleanser

Weird celebrity hacks Laverne Cox

Orange Is the New Black actress Laverne Cox is a glamorous icon, but she uses simple items in her skincare routine such as baby shampoo as a cleanser.

Weird celebrity hacks Laverne Cox baby shampoo

Since she doesn’t specify what type or brand of baby shampoo, I opted for Pureen’s Baby Shampoo with Vitamin E for that extra nourishing boost.

When I washed my face, I discovered that the baby shampoo was very gentle on my skin. It didn’t feel that different from a gentler or pH balanced facial cleanser.

To tell you the truth, I was so impressed by this beauty hack that I decided to keep using this baby shampoo as my cleanser – only until this bottle finishes.

Because while this beauty hack may be effective, I would still use regular cleansers for their additional exfoliating or moisturising properties. However, I would still recommend this hack for those who are looking for a budget-friendly cleanser in a pinch.

Halle Berry – Ground coffee as body scrub

Weird celebrity hacks Halle Berry

We love actress Halle Berry’s amazing, youthful-looking skin and we were shocked to hear that the secret to her radiant glow is apparently coffee grounds.

She adds a small amount of coffee grounds to her body wash, which she says not only exfoliates her skin, but also helps prevent cellulite.

Weird celebrity hacks Halle Berry coffee grounds

This was a hack I was excited to try out myself as I love my caffeine. This beauty hack smelled heavenly, just like a fresh cup of coffee in the morning.

Washing my body with the coffee ground body scrub was great too, as the rough grounds did act as a great exfoliator for my skin, leaving it smooth and supple.

But I may have added too much coffee grounds as it did feel a bit rough on my skin. When I tried a second time with fewer coffee grounds, it did feel a lot better.

Overall, it might take some trial and error to get the right ratio, but if you’re a coffee-lover, you’re likely to enjoy this delicious new DIY body scrub.

Lauren Conrad – Refrigerated potato slices as eye de-puffers

Weird celebrity hacks Lauren Conrad

Lauren Conrad of Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County fame stands by this de-puffing beauty hack: she slices up refrigerated potatoes, soaks them in water, and then leaves it on her eyelids for 15 minutes.

Weird celebrity hacks Lauren Conrad

Writer Zile Chua tested this hack when she woke up one morning with puffy eyes. She did exactly what Lauren Conrad suggested, including the step of soaking the potato slices in water.

The hack did reduce some of the puffiness around her eyes, so she recommends it because it’s relaxing to place something cold on your eyes in the morning.

One thing she’d change about the hack is to not soak the potatoes in water as it makes the slices less cold. Instead, just refrigerate them overnight, slice them, and place them over your eyes.

Freida Pinto – Petroleum jelly on eyelids

Weird celebrity hacks Freida Pinto

We were surprised to hear Indian-born actress Freida Pinto shared this beauty hack: apply petroleum jelly on your eyelids for a dewy, angelic look.

Weird celebrity hacks Freida Pinto vaseline eyelids

Zile used Vaseline Original 100% Pure Petroleum Jelly on her eyelids. She was surprised to see that it really did create a glowy, dewy look.

However, if you touch your eyelids, the petroleum jelly easily comes off. There is also a light layer of greasiness on the eyelids, so not everyone will enjoy using this hack.

Weird celebrity hacks Freida Pinto vaseline on eyes

Zile suggests using Vaseline as a base for your eyeshadow so it will look brighter and more pigmented. She says that you can try this petroleum jelly hack for yourself to highlight your eyes and create a dewy look.

Beyoncé – Elmer’s glue stick as brow gel

Weird celebrity hacks Beyonce

We not only admire powerhouse singer and actress Beyoncé for her voice, but also her style and beauty. Who knew that the secret to her flawlessly styled eyebrows is Elmer’s Glue Stick?

Weird celebrity hacks Beyonce

Zile couldn’t find Elmer’s Glue Stick in a physical store in Singapore, so she substituted it for UHU Glue Stick which is also non-toxic.

She used the glue on her eyebrows and then used a spoolie brush to brush the hair upwards. However, it didn’t stay in place at all though, and instead, it became clumpy, with small bits of dried glue falling off. She noted it was also messy to wash the glue off the spoolie brush too.

She says that she would not use a glue stick on her eyebrows again. Though she does note that perhaps it may be due to using a different brand of glue, so you can still try out this hack with Elmer’s Glue, which can be found online.

Ariana Grande – Coconut oil as hair mask

Weird celebrity hacks Ariana Grande

Singer Ariana Grande is known for her luxurious, long ponytails. You don’t need to stop and wonder how she keeps her hair so silky all the time: it’s because of coconut oil.

The ingredient is known as an extremely versatile beauty product as it has moisturising, anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing, and anti-bacterial properties. It also protects hair health as it prevents hair protein loss and is easily absorbed deep into the hair shaft.

Weird celebrity hacks Ariana Grande coconut oil hair

Our writer, Lynette Yip, tried some coconut oil in her hair. She notes that she could only use a small amount or else her hair would end up very oily.

While her hair did feel smoother and even looked a little shinier, she did not enjoy smelling like coconut all day long. All in all, she does not recommend this hack as there’s actually a lot of trial and error involved to get the right amount for your hair, and you also need to be crazy about coconuts.

Blake Lively – Mayonnaise as hair conditioner

Weird celebrity hacks Blake Lively

Gossip Girl star Blake Lively is another celebrity with beautifully tousled locks, and she, too, has been open about the secret behind her lovely hair.

Mayonnaise is the trick here – specifically, applied on the ends of her hair, so the shampoo doesn’t strip and dry out the bottom of the hair and hence make it brittle.

We also found out that Blake isn’t the only celebrity who uses mayonnaise in her hair. In fact, Salma Hayek and Zoe Saldana also praise mayonnaise.

Weird celebrity hacks Blake Lively mayonnaise

Since Blake never specified what kind of mayonnaise she uses, Lynette went with Kewpie Mayo as it was what she had on hand.

She applied it after shampooing, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience. The scent of mayonnaise was almost overwhelming as she waited for her hair to soak. Luckily for her, the smell quickly faded after she rinsed it off.

Weird celebrity hacks Blake Lively mayonnaise hair

While her hair did feel soft afterwards, she noted that it wasn’t as smooth and soft as compared to her regular conditioner – so not particularly life-changing. She also found there was a strange metallic, almost fishy smell to her locks afterwards.

Overall, she doesn’t recommend using mayonnaise unless you’re alright with it stinking up the bathroom for 15 minutes after rinsing.

Catherine Zeta-Jones – Strawberries as toothpaste

Weird celebrity hacks Catherine Zeta Jones

Welsh actress Catherine Zeta-Jones has a beautiful smile, but she doesn’t use regular toothpaste – instead, she uses strawberries.

Her reasoning is that strawberries contain malic acid which serves as an astringent and can lighten surface stains. She mashes one or two strawberries to a pulp and then brushes her teeth.

Weird celebrity hacks Catherine Zeta Jones strawberry toothpaste

A single strawberry was used by Lynette in this hack. She applied it diligently to her toothbrush and brushed. Strangely, the strawberry ‘toothpaste’ did foam up a little.

Weird celebrity hacks Catherine Zeta Jones strawberry hack after

Afterwards, she didn’t note any major difference. She also didn’t really enjoy brushing her teeth with a fruit, and would prefer to stick with her regular toothpaste.

Another thing she also noted is that the hack left a lot of strawberry seeds in her toothbrush! So, only try this hack for yourself if you’re prepared to dig out seeds from the bristles of your toothbrush.

Jessica Alba – Slapping skincare on instead of massaging it in

Weird celebrity hacks Jessica Alba

We’ve read that this actress slaps skincare on her face instead of slowly massaging it in. The benefits are supposed to include a plumper face, shrunken pores, lesser wrinkles, and better blood circulation.

Weird celebrity hacks Jessica Alba face slapping

Lynette found that gently slapping skincare on your face felt strangely therapeutic and relaxing. But she said that it didn’t do much for her skin. It also made her skin look red after all that slapping.

She notes that this might be one of those routines that have better results if you do it long-term.