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Most of us grew up watching Fann Wong on our television screens. Even as she enters her fifties, the veteran actress maintains her healthy glow, looking as youthful as ever!

In her Xiao Hong Shu video, she shares four tips on how she depuffs her face before appearing on-screen. Her tips range from easy facial massages you can do at home to dietary considerations to pay attention to.

We’ve rounded up her quick and simple (yet incredibly detailed) tips and tricks on how to reduce facial swelling.

Wash Your Face With Cold and Hot Water

fann wong swelling wash face

Credits: 范文芳(509103262)/Xiaohongshu

Before you do your skincare, use cold and hot water to wash your face. First, run your face through cold water for 20 seconds. Then, finish it off with hot water for only 10 seconds. This is meant to speed up the blood circulation in your face.

Massage Your Face With Your Hands

This simple facial massage only takes three minutes, and can be done anytime, anywhere. You only need to use your hands for this massage.

Step 1: Massage your jaw in an upward motion, starting from your chin and working your way up to the bottom of your ear. Repeat this lifting movement 10 times on both sides of your jaw.

fann wong swelling massage

Credits: 范文芳(509103262)/Xiaohongshu

Doing this can help to make your jawline more prominent, creating the desirable V-shape face (that Fann still has even in her 50s!)

Step 2: From the base of your nose, massage upwards against the curvature of your cheekbones, stopping only two fingers below your temples. Repeat this motion 10 times on both sides of your face. Remember to relax the apples of your cheeks during this step.

fann wong swelling massage

Credits: 范文芳(509103262)/Xiaohongshu

Step 3: Starting from your eyebrows, massage upwards towards your hairline. Repeat this step 10 times.

fann wong swelling massage

Credits: 范文芳(509103262)/Xiaohongshu

Step 4: Pinch the highest point of your nose (between your eyes) and massage upwards from the bridge of your nose. Repeat this motion 10 times.

fann wong swelling massage

Credits: 范文芳(509103262)/Xiaohongshu

Step 5: Using both hands, place a finger above and below your eye. In her video, she placed her middle finger on her upper eyelid and her ring finger below her eye.

Then, simultaneously drag your fingers outwards, with both fingers closing in and meeting at your temples. This will help to relax your eye muscles and relieve swelling in the eyes.

fann wong swelling massage

Credits: 范文芳(509103262)/Xiaohongshu

Be Mindful of Your Lifestyle Choices

Credits: @fannaiaiwong/Instagram

  • If you drink coffee, opt for black coffee
  • Consume less salt and oil: She makes the effort to reduce her salt and oil intake a day before she goes for shoots.
  • Exercise for 15 to 20 minutes: She follows a Tabata Workout, which is a form of high-intensity interval training.

Eat and Drink in Sufficient Amounts Suited to Your Body

Credits: @fannaiaiwong/Instagram

  • Ensure you drink the recommended amount of water for your body weight
    This is because your body tends to excrete less fluids when you are dehydrated. This, in turn, causes bloating and slows down your metabolism.
  • It is also important to consume an appropriate amount of nutrients daily
    In the event of a nutrient deficiency, your bodily functions slow down, which delays the excretion of fluids, thus causing swelling.

Featured image credits: @fannaiaiwong/Instagram, 范文芳(509103262)/Xiaohongshu

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