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Chinese actress Li Bingbing became well-known in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a result of her appearances in numerous movies.

She has even appeared in international films, like The Meg, Transformers: Age of Extinction, and Resident Evil: Retribution.

We recently checked her Instagram and were completely startled to learn that she is getting close to 50 years old!

So, in an effort to look as young as she does when we reach her age, we’ve compiled a list of her beauty advice.

She uses BB cream with sun protection

Li Bingbing Beauty Tips - 1 bb cream - libingbing on Instagram

Photo source: @libingbing on Instagram

Since sunscreen helps to filter harmful UV rays and slow down the skin’s ageing process, the actress slathers it on daily.

She prefers BB creams with built-in UV protection as her primary form of protection. This lets her trim down her morning routine while still having skin that seems to be almost flawless.

She uses iced water to wake up her face

Each morning, Li Bingbing will wash her face with iced water. She gets ready by putting water and a cleaning cloth in the refrigerator for the night.

She finds that doing this cleansing technique truly helps her wake up in the morning. This is a daily “spa morning call,” as she puts it.

She uses a sheet mask a day

Li Bingbing uses a daily sheet mask to keep her skin moisturised as she is constantly on the go because of her hectic schedule.

During her lengthy flights, she wears sheet masks to keep her face moisturised in the dry cabin air. Face masks can be used as an additional last-minute skincare step before a major event.

She is a fan of night creams

She takes care to seal in her skincare ingredients and improve moisture during the night by utilising night creams.

This could be because night creams are designed to aid skin regeneration after the day’s damage and to prepare the skin for the stresses of the next day.

She rejuvenates with essential oils and yoga

Li Bingbing Beauty Tips - 2 yoga - libingbing on Instagram

Photo source: @libingbing on Instagram

Burning some lavender oil, playing some music, and doing her yoga are Li Bingbing’s secret techniques for keeping both her body and mind in excellent condition.

No matter how busy her schedule is, she always finds the time to practise yoga and unwind. It makes sense why her body is so slim.

She uses whatever is around her to exercise

Another thing about this celebrity is that she doesn’t waste time, frequently grabbing whatever is nearby to perform a quick exercise.

She has worked her arms by using a mineral water bottle as a dumbbell, for instance. Stretching while waiting in line at the grocery store is another example.

She drinks warm water every morning

She emphasises maintaining a balanced diet in addition to external maintenance. Every morning, she always has two cups of lukewarm water.

She does this because she thinks the warm water will wash any toxins from the food she may have consumed the day before.

She always eats breakfast

Li Bingbing never skips breakfast no matter how busy she gets. She frequently has a bowl of high-fibre grain porridge, which can detoxify the skin and improve its appearance.

She eats healthy

She believes that maintaining a balanced diet and starting from the inside is the best way to stay young.

She regularly consumes soy products that include phytoestrogens, which relieve period pain in addition to ensuring that she gets the necessary nutrients.

She never goes to bed without removing her makeup

Li Bingbing Beauty Tips - 3 sleep - libingbing on Instagram

Photo source: @libingbing on Instagram

This actress places importance on skincare because of her dry skin. She never slacks off and always takes her makeup off before bed because of this.

Makeup that is left on while sleeping can trap dirt and other environmental toxins inside the skin, degrading collagen and hastening the ageing process.

She has a body care ritual

Li Bingbing will light scented candles and take a milk bath after the day’s filming is finished. This is because milk’s nutrients can smooth the skin.

She’ll put on her favourite music and put on a sheet mask as she soaks in the tub.

She eats passionfruit every day

The best-kept anti-ageing secret she has is not a costly skincare item or cutting-edge medical procedure, but rather a common fruit!

She consumes five to six passionfruit per day since they are high in vitamin C and carotene, which help the body fight off free radicals and slow the ageing process.

Featured image credit: libingbing & libingbing

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