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Having constellations of freckles and moles on our body is a normal thing. After all, most of us who live in Singapore are bound to get some sunspots through the years. If you wake up one day and are greeted by an oddly shaped mole, however, you might want to get it checked out.

In rare cases, moles can be dangerous and cancerous, so it’s best to get an early diagnosis to find out if they’re benign (non-cancerous). For some, moles may be deemed as a physical flaw and can lower self-esteem, which is also a reason to get them removed.

Whether you seek mole removal in Singapore for aesthetic or medical reasons, we’ve gathered all the essential information you need right here to help you make an informed decision.

Keep reading to learn more about the methods of mole removal in Singapore and the clinics to visit.

What Are Moles and What Causes Them?

mole removal singapore treatments

Credit: skuratovasiliy/Pexels

Moles appear when pigmented cells in our skin grow in clumps or clusters. They often develop between the ages of 2 to 18 years old and most people have an average of 10 to 40 moles in their lifetime, with some moles appearing or fading over time.

They are mostly harmless, but there is a rare chance that moles become cancerous and develop into melanomas. In fact, new moles in adults have a higher likelihood to become cancerous than older moles.

The exact cause of moles is currently unknown, although studies indicate that genetics and sun exposure appear to be key factors. Moles form the same way your hair and other parts of your body form, which are based on the roadmap your genes create. However, you can sometimes get new moles with repeat sun exposure.

If you don’t want a large number of moles and pigment spots to develop on your skin, cover up and apply sunscreen – one that has an SPF of 30 or higher. People who have fairer skin are especially prone to sun damage and an increased risk of skin cancers, so it’s best to make an effort to protect yourself from the sun.

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Signs That a Mole Should Be Removed

mole removal singapore causes

Credit: Cottonbro/Pexels

The most common values to look for to signal the presence of an atypical mole or skin cancer are commonly referred to as the “ABCs” or the “ABCDEs” (view the breakdown below). While these are certainly strong indicators that you should pay a visit to your dermatologist, these values are not the best for early detection.

The ABCDEs typically diagnose lesions that are already too advanced or are usually benign (non-cancerous) growths. We recommend performing regular self-exams and look specifically for lesions that are new, dark, or rough in texture and are not healing.

Have a look at what the ABCDEs stand for with regards to skin cancer diagnosis.

  • A = Asymmetry: Moles that are irregular or asymmetrical in shape.
  • B = Border: Moles with irregular, notched, or scalloped borders are a characteristic of melanomas.
  • C = Colour: Look for growths that contain many colours or have an uneven distribution of colour.
  • D = Diameter: Check for new mole growth that exceeds 6 millimetres (about 1/4 inch).
  • E = Evolving: Look for changes over time, such as a mole that grows in size, or changes colour or shape. Moles may also evolve to develop new symptoms, such as itching or bleeding.

Types of Mole Removal Treatments Available in Singapore

mole removal singapore treatments available

Credit: Anna Roguszczak/Pexels

There are many different methods of mole removal in Singapore, and your doctor will be able to recommend what’s best depending on the size, location, and depth of your mole.

Here are some of the available mole removal treatments in Singapore:

1. Shave Excision

In this procedure, the doctor surgically shaves off the mole. It is commonly used on moles that protrude from the skin’s surface. Your doctor will first apply a local anaesthetic to the area to reduce the pain. Then, he/she will go in with a small scalpel to cut the mole off until it is flat and flush with the skin surface. No stitches are required.

The treated area then forms a scab after a week or so before healing, and there will be some risk of scarring or discolouration. Although there is minimal scarring with this method, there is a higher chance of recurrence compared to other techniques.

2. Punch Excision

The punch excision method is ideal for smaller moles. Likewise, local anaesthesia will first be applied to the area. Next, your doctor will use a device to “punch out” a cylindrical piece of skin that contains the cluster of pigmentation that makes up the mole before closing the skin with stitches.

This is likely to leave a linear scar, which can be minimised by careful, meticulous surgical skills. It is less likely for the mole to recur with a punch excision than a shave excision.

3. Cryotherapy (Freezing)

Non-cancerous moles that live only on the surface of the skin can also be removed by freezing them off. If you and your doctor decide freezing is the best method to remove your mole, your doctor will use liquid nitrogen to freeze it off. However, you may end up with a small blister on your skin where the mole used to be.

4. Lasers

Laser treatments are fuss-free and minimally invasive. However, they destroy the mole tissue and are not suitable for moles that need further evaluation. A popular ablative laser is the CO2 laser, which is effective at removing moles in hard-to-reach areas of the body like the nose and throat.

In general, lasers are able to remove moles without damaging the surrounding skin cells. However, some of these pigmented skin cells may remain beneath the skin after the laser treatment, so there’s a small risk of recurrence. A laser mole removal is less likely to form scars as compared with other methods of mole removal.

The treatment tends to heal well with minimal downtime too, which is why it is ideal for cosmetic reasons, particularly for moles on the face.

How Much Does Mole Removal in Singapore Cost?

The cost of mole removal largely depends on the size of your mole, the treatment type, and the doctor. Here are the estimated prices for mole removal in Singapore:

  • Shave excision: S$250-S$500
  • Punch excision: S$350-S$1500
  • Cryotherapy: S$80-S$500
  • Lasers: S$200-S$900

Best Places That Provide Mole Removal in Singapore

If your mole is non-cancerous and you want to opt for a quicker solution, there are plenty of dermatologist clinics that provide mole removal services.