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Newlywed Han Ye-seul has taken over the internet once again.

This Korean actress recently posted a bikini photo on her Instagram, and let’s just say summer vacation looks good on her. But how does she maintain that youthful glow while weighing only 48kg?

In her latest YouTube video, “My Diet Tips“, she revealed that she recently became the model for a yoghurt brand and needed to get in top shape quickly for the commercial shoot.

Now, she’s pulling back the curtain on her diet and exercise routine, sharing exactly what she did to achieve that slim and toned physique.

Disclaimer: If you’re interested in implementing any of these tips into your lifestyle, consult with a healthcare professional beforehand.

Han Ye-seul Diet and Workout Tips and Tricks

Staying Motivated and Disciplined

Han Ye-seul knows just how hard it is to drag yourself to the gym in the morning, but she’s got a genius trick!

As soon as you wake up, change into your workout clothes and put on a playlist to get you moving and grooving. Increasing your heart rate gets you into the mindset to move, and before you know it, you’ll transition seamlessly into working out.

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine in November 2023, there can be benefits to starting your day with exercise. A low-intensity workout or cardio before breakfast can kickstart your digestion and blood flow, leaving you feeling more energised.

However, it’s important to note that this approach may not be suitable for everyone, and consulting a doctor is crucial before implementing major changes.

Different Types of Workouts

The actress starts off her day with at least 30 minutes to an hour of sweat-inducing exercise. Whether it’s a spin session indoors, doing jumping jacks, or just getting your steps in around the house, she gets her heart rate up first thing in the morning.

But there’s more! Strength training is key for her too, and she always squeezes it in as part of her night routine for at least 30 to 60 minutes.

While cardio burns fat, strength training increases basal metabolic rate (the rate at which the body uses energy while resting and maintaining vital functions such as breathing), so your body can burn fat consistently without skipping meals.

Remember, losing weight while building muscles comes hand in hand when you’re trying to build a slim and toned figure!

Snack Healthier

We’ve all been there: late-night fridge raids looking for something to munch on.

Han Ye-seul gets it, but she’s got a healthy solution. Prepare some alternative snacks in advance, such as dried fish or her favourite – oatmeal with low-fat milk and peanut butter for a protein-packed treat.

When those cravings hit, you won’t be reaching for the chips if you’ve got healthy options readily available.

Check out some of our recommended healthy snacks too:

  • Greek yoghurt with fresh berries and granola: Packed with protein and antioxidants, this is the perfect treat if you’re craving something sweet after dinner.
  • Cheese with crackers: Cheese is a delicious, high-protein food that fills you up easily. Whole-grained crackers add extra fibre to your snack, allowing you to stay full longer.
  • Apple slices with peanut butter: Similar to Han Ye-seul’s peanut butter oatmeal, this snack is packed with protein and healthy fats, along with fibre-rich apples, all the filling nutrients you need in a snack.
  • Popcorn: If you’re looking for an even quicker snack, air-popped popcorn is packed with filling fibre and is low in calories. A big bowl will keep you satisfied without weighing you down.

However, you’ll want to indulge your sweet tooth occasionally! Depriving yourself can often lead to overindulgence so enjoy your treats in moderation for a balanced lifestyle.

Visualising Your Success

Han Ye-seul keeps track of her diet by making it visual and fun! She uses a calendar to track her workouts, using stars and circles to mark off strength and cardio sessions. Plus, she even records days when she overeats or has a late-night snack.

This way, she can see her progress and set realistic goals for the next month. It’s a simple trick that keeps her motivated and accountable.

Visualising progress is a powerful motivator. It helps you identify areas for improvement and celebrate your successes. Just like Han Ye-seul, consider tracking your journey in a notebook or journal.

Along with your workouts and diet, you can also consider logging your mood, cravings, energy levels and other lifestyle factors as well.

While Han Ye-seul’s routine provides valuable insights, it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is unique. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalised guidance on exercise and diet is crucial. Remember! Consistency is key, and with dedication, you can achieve your own fitness goals and physique.

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