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Breaking out is never a fun time, and it can be incredibly painful or troublesome to deal with whenever it happens.

Whether they’re large, red and angry, or small and barely visible, if those skin bumps are bothering you, that’s enough reason to treat them. The problem? Finding the right acne treatment to address your skin condition is easier said than done.

That’s why we’ve decided to create a list of the clinics in Singapore, and the answers to most commonly asked questions about acne!

What Is Acne?

Acne results from the clogging of hair follicles with a combination of sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leading to whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples.

While it’s most prevalent in teenagers, it can affect individuals of all ages. Effective acne treatments exist, but acne can be stubborn, causing slow healing and recurring breakouts.

When one begins to subside, others seem to crop up. Depending on how serious it is, it can cause skin scarring and emotional distress. The sooner you begin a treatment, the lower your chances of dealing with such issues.

What Are the Different Types of Acne?

Acne can generally be categorised into two groups — non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne. Identifying the type you have is the first step to bidding farewell to these pesky skin intruders.

Non-Inflammatory Acne

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Credit: Pexels

Non-inflammatory acne, also known as comedonal acne, don’t appear in the form of large, aggravated, red pimples. Instead, you’ll notice small whiteheads and blackheads on parts of your face that are oilier.

Common places for non-inflammatory acne include your nose, forehead, and back. This form of acne stems from the blockage of the pilosebaceous units, which are the hair follicles of the skin.

Inflammatory Acne

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Credit: Pexels

On the other hand, inflammatory acne is a form of acne that manifests as red, swollen, and often painful lesions on the skin. Such acne results from the body’s immune response to the presence of bacteria in clogged hair follicles or pores.

There are several different types of lesions for the inflammatory acne type, include papules (small, red bumps), pustules (bumps filled with pus), nodules (deep, solid lumps under the skin), and cysts (painful, fluid-filled lumps).

Some of these may take forever to go away, and tend to have more of a genetic or hormonal origin.

Managing inflammatory acne usually requires more targeted and intense forms of treatment in order to successfully reduce inflammation and prevent potential scarring.

What Are the Different Acne Treatment Options?

Some types of acne are easier to treat than others. Here’s a rundown on how you can address them effectively.

Non-Inflammatory Acne Treatments

acne treatment using facial devices

The best way to prevent and treat this type of acne is by opting for products that help shed cells, break up sebum, and provide gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells. Just keep in mind that you should always start slow when it comes to incorporating such products into your routine.

As it may take up to two months for your skin to adjust and be fully transformed, always go with a product that is less potent and start with a lower usage frequency when in doubt!

Here are some quick tips for effective non-inflammatory acne treatment:

  • Use a facial cleansing device. When washing your face, it helps to ensure that all the makeup, oils, and dirt are removed from your face thoroughly.
  • Use gentle chemical exfoliants. This includes products containing mandelic acid or azelaic acid.
  • Upgrade to stronger exfoliants when required. When your skin is ready for something stronger, you can opt for ones that include AHAs like glycolic acid and lactic acid.
  • Do not layer exfoliating products on top of one another at the start. If you use an exfoliating cleanser, toner, and treatment, you might wind up with aggravated, dry, and peeled skin.
  • Apply moisturiser. Your skin may wind up producing more oil to combat the dryness you face from using acne-treating cleansers, so it’s important that you rehydrate it!

Inflammatory Acne Treatments

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Credit: Pexels

In general, you should practice the same principles highlighted above: provide a gentle exfoliation, and don’t over-cleanse or over-scrub your skin.

Here are some other ways you can tackle inflammatory acne:

  • Use an acne patch. These easy-to-use overnight treatments can reduce the swelling of your inflammation and deliver healing ingredients to your skin, such as niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, and salicylic acid.
  • Apply topical treatments. Antibacterial products play a central role in managing inflammatory acne. It’s advisable to seek out treatments containing benzoyl peroxide, as it effectively combats bacteria, thereby reducing the inflammation triggered by bacteria.
  • See a dermatologist. Despite your best efforts with at-home treatments, deeper spots like cysts and nodules may require professional treatment from a dermatologist.

How Do Clinical Acne Treatments Work?

acne treatment dermatologist

Credit: Pexels

When you’re dealing with moderate to severe acne, clinical treatments may prove to be more effective than over-the-counter products.

Some common treatment options include oral antibiotics, chemical peels, laser therapy, corticosteroid injections, or even an incision and drainage.

After a consultation with a doctor, you’ll be recommended the best course of action to treat the acne you have.

Best Acne Treatment Clinics in Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions on Acne Treatments

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What Kind of Treatment Works for Acne Scars?

There are many different treatment plans for acne scars, and your doctor can best determine which one is most suited for you. Different treatment options include chemical peels, laser treatment, fillers, HydraFacials, and more.

Is Acne Treatment Permanent?

There is no permanent cure for acne, though it can be controlled and significantly reduced with the right treatment plan, lifestyle changes, complementary solutions.

Acne tends to become less of a severe issue in most people as they get older. However, if it is bothering you, you should seek help from a skin specialist to get a tailored solution.

How Long Do Acne Treatments Take?

While you may see visible improvements in your acne within the first month, it can take three to four months or longer to see your skin mostly clear. This is because it typically requires 30 to 90 days for pre-existing acne impurities to emerge on the skin’s surface.

The exact duration will also depend on the clinic and the specific treatment you undergo, so be sure to seek the expert opinion of your certified doctor to get the most accurate answer!