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Newsflash: hair care doesn’t refer to just nourishing and moisturising your actual hair strands with a boatload of shampoos, conditioners, leave-in treatments, frizz-fighting serums, and reparative hair masks.

What most of us may not know is that the secret to healthy, silky hair lies in having a balanced scalp. When your scalp is in optimal condition, there’s no cause for excessive oiliness, hair loss, dryness, itching, and peeling.

To that end, the surge of professional scalp treatments (a.k.a. scalp facials) and scalp care products in recent years plus the ongoing pandemic (which can cause most of the aforementioned hair problems due to stress) are a good indication that scalp care is the self-care trend that all of us should go onboard with.

Since the hair is only as healthy and strong as the roots, focusing the attention on your scalp is just as important as caring for your skin – and hair. One of the easiest ways to do so is to schedule regular scalp treatments at reputable trichological establishments.

Not sure where to look? Start by trying TK TrichoKare’s Advanced Scalp Detox & Care Treatment. Here are four reasons why the award-winning treatment can get you on the route towards a healthier scalp than before.

TK TrichoKare Advanced Scalp Detox & Care Treatment: What’s unique about it

It detoxifies the scalp with a European herbal masque

tk trichokare scalp analysis before after

Just like how weekly exfoliation is essential in any skincare routine to purge out dirt and impurities, scalp detoxification is a crucial part of your scalp care routine.

To that end, the Advanced Scalp Detox & Care Treatment combines a trichologist-approved methodology with a premium, trichologist-validated blend of European botanical extracts to help eliminate buildup and excess sebum effectively while treating hair problems specific to you and your crown.

What sets TK TrichoKare’s European Herbal Hair Remedies apart is its ability to deep cleanse hair follicles and get rid of excess oil without causing dryness or irritation.

It improves blood circulation using OxyJet

improve blood circulation oxyjet

A needleless jet infusion, OxyJet works by infusing your hair and scalp with oxygen and vital nutrients to accelerate cell metabolism and enhance blood circulation.

Used concurrently with your personalised serum ampoule, this hair growth-boosting process is painless, comfortable, and takes only 15 minutes to complete after your scalp is treated to a revitalising hair bath that restores your mane’s sebum balance so it stays fresh and stress-free for longer.

It uses customised ampoule to target different hair and scalp concerns

customised ampoule for different concerns

Instead of relying on a standard intensive ampoule formula, TK TrichoKare utilises a personalised ampoule that functions to help reduce inflammation and delay the onset of scalp ageing while increasing hair growth and thickness.

Each ampoule is customised accordingly to target different hair and scalp concerns that each individual has more effectively.

It supports hair regeneration and healing with Photodynamic Therapy


Photo source: Freepik

No hair growth will take place without the healing and regeneration of your hair. TK TrichoKare recognises that, which is why it incorporates Photodynamic Therapy in the Advanced Scalp Detox & Care Treatment.

It is a machine powered by laser technology that’s used at the final step of the treatment to speed up hair’s natural healing and regeneration processes. And before you ask, the laser-powered device is safe for use on the scalp.

TK TrichoKare Advanced Scalp Detox & Care Treatment: Prices, where to find, and how to book an appointment

tk trichokare scalp analysis

On top of it all, you’ll also be happy to know that the treatment is completely soothing and relaxing not just for the hair and scalp but also for your overall mood, making it a great in-centre treatment to have after a long day at work.

What’s more, the Advanced Scalp Detox & Care Treatment – like all other treatments offered at TK TrichoKare – is also stringently developed, tested, and validated by an in-house team of certified, professional trichologists who are all experts in helping people with various hair issues.

With this level of commitment to ensure efficacy, safety, and results, you can rest assured that TK TrichoKare is completely dedicated to restoring your hair and scalp health.

This serious dedication to helping people achieve healthy hair and scalp is why TK TrichoKare is regarded as one of the highly recommended hair treatment centres in Singapore for professional hair and scalp care.

If you still need more convincing to begin your scalp care routine, just check out the list of celebrities and influencers that have tried and loved TK TrichoKare, as well as a comprehensive review detailed by one of Daily Vanity’s team members!

TK TrichoKare Advanced Scalp Detox & Care Treatment is usually priced at S$470, but first-timers can now try it at just S$40 nett! This special promotion also comes with a free hair care kit and a hair serum worth a total of S$745.

Try TK TrichoKare for yourself today! Sign up here to enjoy this special first-trial deal.

Click here to sign up

Address: See the full list of locations on the website
 6338 8680 (general hotline)
Opening hours: 11am – 9pm (Mon to Fri) | 10am – 7pm (Sat, Sun & PH)

This article is brought to you by TK TrichoKare.