Daily Vanity Logo

Updated and accurate as of 1 February 2018

By endorsing the quotation you agree to the following terms and conditions as stated.

  1. The Agreement
    1. Project is considered complete upon fulfilment of the signed off specifications. Any additional request/requirement not specified in the project proposal may result in a delay of the project completion date. DAILY VANITY PTE LTD (The Publisher) reserves the right to review any such request/requirement subject to an additional charge to be agreed.
  2. Supply of Information
    1. Where there is a delay in supplying these materials, which leads to a delay in the completion of work, THE PUBLISHER reserves the right to extend any previously agreed deadlines. In the event that the delay exceeds a period of six (6) months, all remaining contractual obligations of the contract will cease thereafter and any deposits will be forfeited.
    2. All assets are to be provided in digital formats. All copies to be used are to be in the following formats: Microsoft Word, Excel, .txt, image files are to be in .gif, .jpg, .tif, .png and all other working assets including logos to be in .ai or .psd. Additional charges may apply in the event that additional work is required to convert the file formats to the required formats.
  3. Permissions, Copyrights & Liabilities
    1. All content used including logos, images, videos and copies provided by the Client are to be cleared with the respective rights holder and THE PUBLISHER bears no liability for any infringement of such, and the Client shall undertake all of such liability.
    2. Information exchanged in the course of the project is to be kept fully confidential by both parties.
    3. All original graphics and/or other related material created and supplied by THE PUBLISHER remain the property of THE PUBLISHER.
    4. THE PUBLISHER reserves the right to re-use any original articles, scripts, software or other materials created for a given project in the future.
    5. The client may purchase the license rights to have THE PUBLISHER’S article(s) to be listed/reproduced in full/partial on any of their digital or print assets at a pre-agreed fee on a per article per annum basis. 
  1. Creation/edits for content, creative, video and photography by THE PUBLISHER and Key Opinion Leader (collectively and individually known as DV)
    1. DV provides up to 2 edits for initial headline and outline proposed. Once proposed headline and outline have been accepted, it will be final and no more changes will be allowed. If any changes are required, it will be chargeable at $200 per edit.
    2. Upon submission of first draft, DV allows up to 2 edits. If more edits are required, it will be chargeable at $200 per edit.
    3. Once content has been published, there will be no more edits other than typo or grammar errors. If additional edits are required, it will be chargeable at $200 per edit.
    4. Creative works provided by DV allows up to 2 edits. If additional edits are required, it will be chargeable at $200 per edit.
    5. DV will not provide any creative works like photography, infographics, diagram, etc for article(s) purchased. If such creative works are required, additional cost will be incurred to the Client depending on the complexity of the creative.
    6. Any initial tests, experiments, comparison between competing brands’ products will undertaken by the Client. DV will only reproduce the test, experiment or comparison after it has been finalised.
    7. If Video requires animation, additional cost will incurred to the Client depending on the complexity of the animation.
    8. Video outline provided by DV allows up to 2 edits. Once accepted, it will be final and no more changes will be allowed. If any additional changes are required, it will be chargeable at $200 per edit.
    9. Video shoot will be based on the agreed storyboard flow with no additional scenes added
    10. Clients are advised to attend the video shooting session to ensure shots taken are up to expectations as no additional shooting sessions will be rescheduled should more or different shots are required.
    11. Video post-production work allows up to 2 edits. If any additional changes are required, it will be chargeable at $500 per edit.
    12. Provision of images will be based on the sole discretion of THE PUBLISHER with no reshoots or edits.
    13. If professional studio quality shots are required, DV or Client will need to engage third parties and the additional cost will be bore by the Client.
    14. DV will not edit photos beyond its true state that may mislead readers.
    15. If photos are required to be shot in a particular venue or studio settings, together with talents, makeup artist, etc, it will be a separate quotation from the media cost initially endorsed as this will include other third party service providers and costs that may not be included in the initial quotation unless explicitly mentioned.
    16. There will be no discounts or agency commission for third party costs.
    17. For all cases of edits, clients are required to communicate the reasons for rejection clearly and to provide alternatives or suggestions with examples for clarity purpose.
  1. Services and Work Rendered
    1. Whilst every endeavor is made to ensure that all articles, scripts, software etc. produced are free of errors, DV cannot accept responsibility for any losses incurred due to their inaccuracy, malfunction, or error. In the event of any such, DV will undertake to fix the problem as soon as staffing resources permit.
    2. All projects are warranted for programming/content faults for the first 1-month from the date the project goes live or unless otherwise stated.
    3. THE PUBLISHER’s websites, applications and software support will only be provided for the following browsers: Chrome, Safari 10 and above, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 10 and above.
    4. The Client is expected to vet and/or test fully the work(s) developed by THE PUBLISHER before being it goes live. Any “bugs”, (ie, errors or other technical issues affecting functionality or layout) found during testing will be corrected by THE PUBLISHER to meet the standards of function outlined in the brief.
    5. Any issues not reported to THE PUBLISHER within the warranty period will be considered as faultless thus approved.
    6. Approved work(s) cannot subsequently be rejected and the contract will be deemed to have been completed and the full amount owed as per the quote will be payable.
  2. Approval of Work & Cancellation
    1. Any additional changes upon confirmation of the work is subjected to review by THE PUBLISHER and may affect project costs and timelines.
    2. Should the Client wish to cancel their acceptance of the quote at any point during a project, THE PUBLISHER reserves the right to invoice the Client for any and all work completed to date. The Client must advise THE PUBLISHER in writing of the request to cancel a quote.
    3. DV has the rights to reject works or edits that are deemed inappropriate, misleading, untrue, overly-sexual, unethical, discriminatory, promotional to THE PUBLISHER’s competitors, or is not aligned to its philosophy and brand positioning.
  3. Payment Terms
    1. All prices are in Singapore Dollars unless otherwise specified.
    2. A 100% non-refundable deposit of the quotation for a discounted package/quotation is payable prior to commencement of the project unless otherwise stated.
    3. A 50% non-refundable deposit of the quotation is payable prior to commencement of the project unless otherwise stated.
    4. The balance due is payable upon completion of the project.