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The 2023 report for Daily Vanity’s annual Consumer Behaviour Survey is finally out!

Submit your details in the form below to receive a comprehensive breakdown of the difference between the free and paid reports!

Please provide your school name if you're a student
Please put 'N/A' if you are a student
Besides getting the comparison report, would you like to
This will allow our representative to know how we can further assist you on the insights you need. If you are a student requesting this for your school project, please also share the scope of your project.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our subscription plans are as follow:

  1. 12 months unlimited access to all 137 data (up to 5 accounts), SGD 2,500
  2. 6 months unlimited access to all 137 data (up to 2 accounts), SGD 1,800
  3. Lifetime access to all 137 data for Tableau and Microsoft Power BI users, SGD 3,600
  4. One-time advanced customised report generation for up to 5 filters to all 137 data, SGD 500
  5. Access to 31 partial data, SGD 0
  6. Student Plan: 3 months unlimited access to all 137 data and reports (1 account), SGD 0. Only available with a valid school domain