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Often, we talk about “womanhood” like it’s the same for everyone, but it is really a transient concept. The truth is, a woman in her 20s is definitely facing a different set of challenges from a woman in her 40s. But what’s interesting is that the older woman may be in a good position to share with a younger woman her experiences, and the younger woman can look at the older woman’s current lifestyle to have a glimpse at what she may have to think about when she gets older.

As a woman goes through different phases in her life, her psychology, wellness and body shape also transits into another stage. Hormonal changes, ageing and lifestyle stages (such as responsibilities at work, childbirth, and priorities) change her appearance, as well as the way she should take care of herself.

Someone in her 20s, for instance, can be expected to be going through a phase in life when she is highly-motivated and establishing herself in her career and struggle with long hours at work and exposure to more unhealthy food. The need to find a partner while keeping up with friends, family and colleagues add to the desire of wanting to look her best for social gatherings despite a lifestyle that does not always do well for her appearance.

Continuing with keeping a hectic schedule and the lack of sleep, a woman in her 30s and 40s struggles with work-life balance and it adds to the confidence dip that she may already be feeling, especially when she compares herself to how she used to look in her 20s. If she is already embracing motherhood, the chance for me-time gets even slimmer, and she is likely to feel swarmed and tired all the time.

Come 50s and above, a woman may start to experience premenopausal symptoms. Hormonal changes can make her more temperamental and emotional, and coupled with lower energy level to engage in physical activities, she may feel a need for a shift of priorities. Coping with these new issues related to her health and wellness becomes more important to her than before.

As part of our special way to commemorate International Women’s Day, we have spoken to women of different ages and from all walks of life. They will have a heart-to-heart talk with you about their lifestyle, the changes they see in their life and body through different stages, and the challenges they face. But more importantly, how their strength and beauty helped them to overcome these challenges. Look out for the interviews we have with four power women in the following weeks.

Meet the 20+ woman who wants it all

carrie sim 2

Marketer at an upscale hotel, Carrie, like many of you, are chasing her personal goals and dreams while she’s still young. Find out how she cope with her busy schedules and high stress level, and what the expert suggests she can do. Read the story here.

The entrepreneur in her 30s

flora isabelle lim

When it comes to career, many would see Flora, who is the owner of a few businesses, as successful. Like Carrie, Flora devoted her 20s to the pursuit of goals, but now that she’s in her 30s, she finds it harder to keep up because of a dip in energy level. How does she plan to overcome this and what does the expert propose? Read the story here.

The single mum approaching 40

katherine sng bubbamama

As a single working mum, Katherine has to wear many hats. Juggling among her child, work, social life and personal wellness, she is working towards a focus in health and fitness, as she goes into her 40s. The expert proposes great ways to cope with a multi-tasking lifestyle.

The mother-of-three in her 50s

amy quek

Amy Quek is a successful working mother-of-three who has just entered into her 50s. Having attained high achievements at work, Amy sees her family as her source of joy, and is now focused on taking care of herself, including managing health risks and menopausal symptoms. The expert will give her tips on how to better improve her general wellness.

For this special series of articles, nutritionists and consultants from Marie France Bodyline will also share with us the changes women face at every age, what advice they have for each body, age and lifestyle needs, and hopefully, through these intimate sharing, you’ll be able to see a reflection of yourself and gain some insights on how to make your life and appearance better.

As you stay tuned for the next story, remember that regardless of age, your diet will always form an important part of your lifestyle, speak to a nutritionist for advice. You can also find out what’s your ideal BMI and receive a free consultation on weight management accordingly.

This article is brought to you by Marie France Bodyline.

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