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Ella Chen, a well-known Taiwanese singer and actress, rose to fame as a member of the famous Asian women’s group S.H.E. Her exceptional talent and lively character have made her a cherished icon in the entertainment industry since the early 2000s.

In recent times, Ella’s star power experienced a remarkable resurgence following her appearance in a Chinese reality show, Sisters Who Make Waves. This show brought together female celebrities above the age of 30, competing to form a new music group.

Beyond her musical achievements, Ella Chen has also recently mesmerised fans with her stunning transformation and she shared her weight management journey.

Her svelte silhouette and radiant skin have left fans in awe, serving as a testament to her unwavering dedication and commitment to prioritise her health and overall well-being.

Want to know more? Here are the top five weight management tips that Ella Chen follows closely.

1. Light Fasting

Ella Chen occasionally practises a two-day light fasting method that aids in detoxification. She chooses to consume only vegetable juice made from natural ingredients.

During periods of strict weight control, Ella has experimented with the “day fasting method” for four days, consuming only black coffee and lemonade. This approach promotes rapid detoxification and boosts metabolism, aiding in her successful weight loss.

However, it is important to note that long-term implementation of fasting can have adverse effects on overall health. So, if you’re considering trying this approach, be sure to consult with a dietitian for proper guidance and support.

2. Drink 2 Litres of Water Every Day

In addition to her weight management efforts, Ella Chen recognises the significance of staying hydrated. Ella personally practises drinking 2000ml of water every day.

Not only does it boost metabolism and prevent water retention, but it also enhances the feeling of fullness and helps curb cravings. Plus, it also contributes to maintaining a healthy and radiant complexion.

3. Drink Green Latte

Green latte has long been hailed as a weight loss elixir in Western circles and Ella incorporates it into her diet. She also adds probiotics to her drink, which helps promote digestion and maintain a balanced nutritional intake.

Ella once shared a video on Instagram demonstrating how she makes her own green latte, using fruits and vegetables.


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She uses ingredients like apple, cauliflower, kale, half a pineapple, a small bowl of nuts, a cup of soy milk, and a dash of lemon juice to make her green latte. This nutritious and filling drink serves as a replacement for dinner, aiding in fast and effective weight loss.

4. Cooking Rice With Evian Mineral Water

Following her other weight management tips, eating well is important for her too.

Ella learned from her past experiences that trying to lose weight by reducing sugar through an inappropriate method has led to several health issues, such as cold hands and feet and Oedema (swelling caused by fluid in your body’s tissues).

After consulting with a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner, she realised that her previous weight loss approach of eating only salad and chicken has caused her body to become colder and retain more moisture, adversely affecting her metabolism.

Following the advice of the TCM practitioner, Ella’s meals now revolve around rice as the main food, accompanied by vegetables and meat. Additionally, she ensures to finish dinner before 5.30pm in the evening.

She also uses Evian mineral water to cook her rice, as she believes that the quality of water you use for cooking is important.

It appears that these changes she’s made to her diet have worked; Ella shed 3kg in weight after trying this method.

5. Regular Exercise

In addition to her diligent dieting efforts, she prioritises regular workouts to complement her weight management journey.

She incorporates gym workouts, core training exercises like planks and dance workouts into her routine. Ella emphasises the effectiveness of abdominal breathing techniques from yoga for toning the abdomen.

Through her dedication to continuous exercise, she has achieved and maintained her enviable waist, showcasing the importance of physical activity in her weight management journey.

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