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Does your skin feel tight, flaky, or a little less plump than usual? You might be dealing with dehydration, a common skin concern that can leave your complexion looking dull and tired.

Before you go on a rampant shopping spree to stock up on hydrating skincare, read on for more about this concern and what you can do to mitigate it.

Parched skin can be brought back to life with a targeted hydrating skincare routine and tweaks to your lifestyle.

In this article, we’ll unveil all the secrets you’ll need to quench your skin’s thirst, restore its natural bounce, and get that healthy, dewy glow back!

What’s the Difference Between Dehydrated Skin and Dry Skin?

Dehydrated Skin Worried

Credits: katemangostar/Freepik

How do you know if your skin is just dry or dehydrated? To most efficiently tackle your skin concerns, it’s important to identify the root cause of the problem.

It’s not uncommon for people to mix up the two, with many using the terms interchangeably. While they might sound similar, they are inherently two different skin concerns, and it could be more detrimental to use products not suited for your skin type.

Before you cart out all those skincare products for dry skin, let us first distinguish between dehydrated and dry skin!

  • Dry skin: Lacks oil, and is a skin type. It feels flakey and shows signs of irritation.
  • Dehydrated skin: Lacks water, and can happen to any skin type, even oily skin. It feels tight and rough.

Dehydration can actually exacerbate oily skin. When your skin lacks water, it goes into overdrive trying to compensate its hydration levels by producing more oil. This can lead to a combination of shine and flakiness!

Recommended Skincare Routine for Dehydrated Skin

Now that you have a better idea of your skincare concerns, let’s get down to the key steps in a skincare routine tackling dehydrated skin.

Use a Cleansing Oil or Milk for Gentle Cleansing

Dehydrated Skin Cleansing Oil

Credits: Pexels

Ditch the harsh cleansers that strip your skin of its natural oils, and instead, opt for a creamy and hydrating cleanser like a cleansing milk or cleansing oil that removes dirt without leaving your skin feeling tight.

Avoid Using Alcohol-Based Toners

Dehydrated Skin Avoid Alcohol Toner

Credits: Anete Lusina/Pexels

Alcohol-based toners can be dehydrating. To avoid drying out your skin, look for toners packed with ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin, which will draw moisture into the skin.

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Incorporate Hydrating Serums Into Your Routine

Serums are lightweight but potent hydrators. While hyaluronic acid is the go-to ingredient for hydration, there are also many other options like ceramides and aloe vera, which can do the trick.

Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise

Dehydrated Skin Moisturiser

Credits: Анастасия Климец/Pexels

This is the ultimate step for sealing in hydration. Decide on a suitable moisturiser based on your skin type — gel-based moisturisers are recommended for oily skin, while creamier formulations are great for normal to dry skin!

Always Put On Sunscreen

Dehydrated Skin Sunscreen

Credits: Betül Üstün/Pexels

Don’t forget your SPF! Sun exposure is a major culprit for dehydration. To keep your skin supple and hydrated, you have to protect it from environmental stressors like UV rays. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every day, even on cloudy days!

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Exfoliate Your Skin Regularly

Dehydrated Skin Exfoliate

Credits: Polina Kovaleva/Pexels

Frequent exfoliation will help get rid of dead skin cells that can block moisture absorption. All you need to do is to incorporate a gentle exfoliator into your routine every one to two times a week.

Treat Your Skin to a Hydrating Mask Every Now and Then

Dehydrated Skin Mask

Credits: Mike Murray/Pexels

Pamper your skin with a hydrating mask a few times a week. This includes sheet masks or night masks, an added layer of goodness for your skin. Look out for masks with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or aloe vera, and you’ll find yourself waking up with supple and moist skin!

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Your Lifestyle Makes a Difference

Dehydrated Skin Lifestyle

Credits: benzoix/Freepik

Believe it or not, your lifestyle habits can affect the condition of your skin. While a sturdy skincare routine can manage the quality of your skin, a change in lifestyle makes a lasting difference!

Here are some crucial habits that make the biggest difference:

  • Hydration starts from within. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day!
  • Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol, which can dehydrate your body, and ultimately, your skin.
  • Ensure you getting enough sleep for healthy, glowy skin.

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to replenishing dehydrated skin, these are tried and tested methods that have proved to be useful and effective for a long time now.

Take these tips as a guide in reshaping your skincare routine and lifestyle habits, and you’ll find yourself one step closer to plump and radiant skin!

Featured image credits: benzoix/Freepik, Pexels

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