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You may have heard about how breakfast is important to kickstart your day. But did you know that having the right type of breakfast will help you with your weight loss journey?

Skipping breakfast is one of the many reasons why people gain weight. In a study by Imperial College London, they found that the brains of people who didn’t have their breakfast responded to high-calorie foods, making them crave these fattier foods over time. This definitely doesn’t bode well for anyone who is looking to lose weight.

So we’ve established that having breakfast indirectly help with weight loss. But what types of breakfast foods will you need? The most important nutrients to have in your breakfast? Protein, fibre, and some carbohydrates. We’ve assembled 10 quick and easy breakfast ideas to help you with your weight loss goals.

1. Chia Seeds, Muesli Mix, Greek Yoghurt and Blueberries


This is super healthy because of the immense amounts of fibre that muesli is going to give you. Mix about 100-150 grams of muesli with some high-protein greek yoghurt, then throw in a handful of blueberries or add any other fruit you might enjoy. Before you dig in, sprinkle chia seeds for additional vitamins and minerals! If you find yoghurt too sour, consider adding a bit of honey before you eat.

2. Oatmeal and Eggs


Prepare your oatmeal with the usual milk, then top it off with a sunny side up egg for that extra protein. The oatmeal is going to fill you up till lunch time, and the protein will help you with lean muscle building.

3. Wholegrain Chia Seed Toast


Toast two slices of wholegrain bread, and spread greek yoghurt on them. Then, top them with a few slices of banana and chia seeds. The bread gives you fibre, while the sugar and potassium from the bananas help to kickstart your day in the tastiest manner.

4. High-Protein Tortilla Wrap


Get whole wheat tortillas from the supermarket the night before, then fill it up with an egg (scrambled is a good option!), lean ham, sliced cucumber, celery, tomatoes and cheese. The vegetables are there to help you meet your fibre and vitamin requirements, while the egg and ham give your body the protein that it needs.

5. Avocado Toast


This one doesn’t need much preparation work. Grab an avocado, dig out its creamy flesh and use it as a spread on your wholegrain toast. If you want a bit more heft to this breakfast, throw chopped carrots and cucumbers on top. Not filling enough? Have an apple on the side to complete your meal.

Click to the next page for more breakfast ideas.