It’s an irony to buy new clothes before Chinese New Year for the festival, only to binge on Chinese New Year goodies and not be able to fit into them after the festive season. Festive binging is common, and it is a temptation that is hard to resist.
Seriously, who is able to say no to bak kwa (barbecue meat) after smelling its aroma?
Before you open a new jar of pineapple tarts, these are the calorie count of some of the most common Chinese New Year goodies that you should know:
Does this mean we should abstain from eating Chinese New Year goodies?
Well, the good news is you can still enjoy some of your favourite goodies without the worry of putting on weight.
For an average woman, the daily calorie food intake should be between 1200 and 1500kcal in order to maintain the current weight.
Here is a meal plan that we can follow during the Chinese New Year period, that would make sure you’re eating within the calorie intake limit:
- 1 mandarin orange or a bowl of fruits
- 1 slice of nian gao
- 1 piece of chicken bak kwa
- 1 slice of steamed cod fish
- Stir-fried broccoli with scallops
- 1 piece of tang yuan
- 1 love letter or kuih bangkit
- Green tea
- A handful watermelon seeds
- Some pomelo
- Steamboat with fish ball, dumpling, chicken breast meat, abalone slices, lean pork and a lot of vegetables and mushrooms. Avoid sweet dipping sauces.
Additional tips to make sure you won’t over-eat
- Have frequent meals in small portions so you will not be too hungry and over-eat after main meals.
- Eat in moderation. Prepare food with less oil and gravy.
- Resist sugary drinks and take Chinese tea or plain water instead.
- If you can’t give up Chinese New Year goodies, then forgo starchy foods like rice, noodles or bread in your meals.
- Eat less than five pieces of Chinese New Year goodies per day.
- Alternatively, opt for goodies with less calories, for example, instead of pineapple tarts and peanut and sesame candies, go for kuih bangkit or kuih bolu.
- Choose lean protein food and plenty of vegetables for your main meals, as for snacks, go for fruits.
- The urge to snack may be triggered by dehydration. Instead of reaching for another pineapple tart, have a glass of water instead and see if the craving dissipates.