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In the vibrant scene of Singapore, karaoke holds a special place in our hearts. Well, what if we told you there’s more to these singing sessions than just a good time?

As you croon your favourite tunes, you might just be giving your calorie-burning game a boost – at least, that’s according to Candise, AKA @candiselin86 on TikTok, who uncovered this intriguing fitness side of karaoke and shared it with Chinese netizens on Xiao Hong Shu.

Curious to see if your next karaoke session could double as a fun fitness routine? Let’s dive in.


Just remember to not eat high-calories food while you are singing karaoke, because it could lead to indigestion (imagine eating while you are running) #chinese #genz #netizen #karaoke #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #singing #ktv #中国 #中国人 #中国式ダイエット #greenscreen

♬ Old Disney Swing Jazz – Nico

All About the Karaoke Calorie Burn

karaoke weight loss

Credits: @小肉肉鱼/Xiao Hong Shu, @绿毛耶/Xiao Hong Shu

In Candise’s video, we get a sneak peek into how China’s Gen Z has stumbled upon an easy and affordable way to stay active.

Sharing screenshots from posts on Chinese social media platforms Xiao Hong Shu and Weibo, Candise highlights how one blogger went solo to a karaoke studio, documenting her calorie-burning journey.

karaoke weight loss

Credits: @小李的快乐日常/Xiao Hong Shu, @candiselin86/TikTok

Xiao Hong Shu blogger @绿毛耶 hit the KTV and sang for an hour and a half, clocking more than 400 calories on her Apple Watch.

After a three-hour singing session? A whopping 700 calories burnt. Another Xiao Hong Shu blogger, user 9538595957, who relied on a Fitbit, recorded 529 calories burnt after singing for 77 minutes.

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Credits: @元气满满的元满/Xiao Hong Shu

An impressive result came from a netizen who burned over 1000 calories after nearly five hours of singing, and another who lost one kilogram the next day after she sang for three hours on an empty stomach.

One post even detailed the expected calorie burn per song, suggesting that Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On could use up 13.5 calories, and 16.4 calories for singing Oppa Gangnam Style.

Is the Karaoke Studio Your Unlikely Gym?

karaoke weight loss

Credits: @candiselin86/TikTok

Candise points out that singing is a form of aerobic activity, explaining that even while seated, “you’re able to work out major muscle groups in your upper body.”

She then proceeds to explain that it has been estimated by Chinese netizens that for someone who is 60kg, you can burn two calories for every minute of singing.

This notion aligns with health and fitness site Livestrong, indicating that singing while seated improves lung and heart function, while standing up to sing is akin to walking or even yoga.

For instance, a person weighing around 68kg can burn around 100 calories when singing seated and 140 calories when standing up.

While singing might not be a magical weight loss solution, it does offer a delightful way to burn extra calories – making it a perfect post-meal activity.

Affordable Alternatives for the Singing Enthusiast

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Credits: @kawaiimln/TikTok, @tiktoksh0p.official/TikTok

Candise highlights that in China, karaoke rooms cost less than USD$2 (S$2.69) on weekdays from 12pm to 6pm, potentially making it a more budget-friendly option compared to a gym membership.

The scenario differs in Singapore, where the average cost per person for an hour of karaoke is around S$12.

For those looking to skip the extra expense, why not grab a mic and kick off a sing-off with YouTube karaoke? Here are some of the most budget-friendly options we’ve found:

  • Dual Bluetooth Wireless Microphones Karaoke Set retails for S$49.90 and is available on Shopee. A discount is offered at the time of writing. Tap in to see updated price!
  • Mini Wireless Mic Bluetooth retails for S$39.24 and is available on Shopee. A discount is offered at the time of writing. Tap in to see updated price!
  • Karaoke Microphone Player retails for S$30 and is available on Shopee. A discount is offered at the time of writing. Tap in to see updated price!

Feature image credits: @candiselin86/TikTok