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It’s been a few months since you welcome your bundle of joy, and it’s also around this time you notice more hair clogging up your shower after each wash. You notice hair shedding around you and… wait, are you experiencing hair loss?

Does this sound familiar to you? Whether you are a seasoned mom, new mom or mom-to-be, there is high chance that you have or may experience post-natal hair loss. Not to worry, there is a reasonable explanation for this and steps you can take to help you handle this hair-y situation!

Post Natal Hair Loss Comb

What is post-natal hair loss and why does it happen?

Post-natal hair loss is a common occurrence among many moms in the first few months post-partum. It usually starts around the third month after birth, while some moms have noticed that this can be delayed with breastfeeding. The primary cause of this type of hair loss is caused by hormones, specifically estrogen.

Post-natal hair loss is caused by hormones

During pregnancy, our hair tends to be thicker, longer and fuller. That is because, our estrogen levels are increased, which prolongs the “growth” phase of hair growth. In other words, less hair falls as more hair remains on our head!

After birth, our hormones begin to stabilise to normal levels. With that, the “growth” phase reverts to normal and hair will start to fall out, including all the hair that did not fall during pregnancy.

Is it possible to reverse post-natal hair loss?

Post-partum hair loss will eventually slow down and normalise to your pre-pregnancy levels. A healthy diet, good sleep and managing stress stress will help your tresses and general well-being.

If you do notice significant hair fall, thinning hair or bald spots, then there could be other underlying issues that need to be looked at by a doctor or trichologist. In the meantime, there are a few things you can try to manage the situation on your own.

1. Caring for your scalp

Attractive Asian Woman With Black Long Hair

We almost always forget to take care of our scalp! Spend a little time massaging your scalp, and this will improve blood circulation and keep hair follicles strong. You can also incorporate some essential oils such as rosemary and cedarwood which have been known to help with hair fall and encourage hair growth.

2. Cut your hair or keep it at a manageable length

With long hair, the strands that fall out give the appearance that much more hair is falling and likely to clog up the shower more easily. With a more manageable length, it will make caring for your hair while juggling a baby a little easier!

3. Invest in vitamins and supplements

Post Natal Hair Loss Pills

Vitamins B, C, E and minerals like Zinc are crucial to having healthy hair and skin. Ensuring that your daily vitamins and food intake includes these essentials vitamins and minerals will help you stay healthy and care for your hair and skin. You can also look out for biotin supplements which have been known to help as it builds protein like keratin which is good for hair.

4. Up your Omega intake

This is probably the most common health requirement for everyone. While it is famously known to improve heart health and brain function, Omegas are also key in promoting healthy hair. Be sure to incorporate Omega-rich food like salmon in your diet, or you can take fish oil and omega 3 supplements daily as well.

5. Take time to de-stress

Post Natal Hair Loss Fitness Mat

This may be the hardest part for all moms out there. Moms are often sleep deprived, tired and stressed out. Being stressed and tired, almost certainly will not help with post-partum hair loss. While it may be difficult to do, try to carve out some much needed rest.

Let Daddy or Grandma take over for an hour or two. Take the time to catch up on some much needed sleep, meditate, yoga, or a quick catch up with friends to help you unwind. It will do a lot of good for your hair, health and overall well-being too!