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Chinese actress Jia Ling, famous for her performance in the film YOLO, has achieved the remarkable feat of losing an impressive 50 kg in just a year, achieving a lean and toned body.

Despite the common knowledge that a woman’s metabolism slows down with age, making weight loss more difficult, Jia Ling defied the odds and underwent a dramatic transformation.

Jia Ling recently made an appearance on the Yue-Sai Kan Talk Show to promote her moving, during which she opened up about her weight loss techniques and how they helped her succeed in losing weight.

If you’re interested in learning more about what she did to slim down over the past year, keep reading. We’ve outlined Jia Ling’s slimming methods for you.

Disclaimer: If you’re interested in these diet methods, consult a healthcare professional before embarking on significant dietary changes.

Less Oil, Less Salt

Source: beauty321

Jia Ling spilled the tea about her healthy meal box during the talk show, and we’re amazed by the nutritious goodness inside!

This carefully curated box includes a variety of wholesome ingredients handpicked by Jia Ling to support her weight loss journey and overall health.

From Chinese cabbage and purple kale to bell peppers, chicken breast, and brown rice, each item is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates.

Jia Ling also follows the “less oil, less salt” principle, limiting her daily oil intake to just 20 grams and salt to five grams. Additionally, her carb intake likely stays under 100 grams a day, thanks to her preference for brown rice, whole grains, and buckwheat noodles.

16/8 Intermittent Fasting Principle

Jia Ling managed to lose an impressive 50 kg by sticking to the 16/8 intermittent fasting plan! She ate all her meals within an 8-hour timeframe and then fasted for the remaining 16 hours.

Let’s take a look at how she achieved this incredible transformation:

Source: Weibo

8-hour eating window: Consume a variety of foods within an 8-hour window, focusing on high-quality proteins, vegetables, and carbohydrates while strictly controlling calorie intake and avoiding foods high in sugar, fat, and salt.

16-hour fasting period: During the 16-hour fast, avoid consuming anything with calories, including beverages. You can opt for water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee to alleviate hunger.

Adaptation period: Before starting with the desired eight-hour eating window, it’s a good idea to begin with longer eating periods, like 12 hours or 10 hours. This gradual approach helps your body adapt to intermittent fasting and can help reduce any potential discomfort or hunger pangs during the fasting period.

Intermittent frequency: Give the 16/8 intermittent fasting method a try for three days a week or stick with it for two to three weeks straight. Then, assess whether to continue with the fasting method based on your body’s adaptation.

Recommended eating pattern: Start by having small, frequent meals divided into three to four meals per day. For example, you can have two main meals and one or two small snacks to help maintain steady energy levels and keep portion sizes in check.

Chew Slowly and Thoroughly

She also emphasised the importance of eating slower. Taking an extra 20 minutes to finish your meal allows your brain to recognise the feeling of fullness. This will then help reduce your appetite and cravings.

Lifestyle Changes

To cope with stress, Jia Ling used to turn to food and alcohol. But now that she’s adopted healthier habits, she no longer relies on those, which has also contributed to her weight loss tremendously.

Instead of snacking or drinking unhealthy beverages during script discussions, she chooses unsweetened tea or arranges meetings at the gym. Sometimes, she even walks around during conversations to stay active.

High-Intensity Cardio Boxing

Source: Weibo

Along with her healthy eating habits, she also began doing intense cardio boxing. It helps to rapidly burn calories and fat while inducing profuse sweating.

Plus, the rhythmic movements involved can strengthen muscles and shape your body. Besides boxing, she also does other exercises like pull-ups, seated shoulder presses with weights, and Bulgarian bag training to make sure she’s working all her muscles.

Related Reads on Weight Loss

Losing weight can be tough, especially when you don’t exercise regularly. But don’t worry, it’s definitely doable! If you’re seeking tips on how to lose weight in a healthy way, look no further.

Here are some inspiring stories with proper eating habits and exercise tips from celebrities who’ve successfully shed pounds.

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